Episode 279: A FAMILY AFFAIR
It’s a family affair this week, as Del welcomes his tribe to The HighWire stage, to unravel the mystery of how a one time Emmy award-winning Producer from CBS became ‘King of the Anti-Vaxxers,’ and the family life that shaped his future.
Guests: Norma Bigtree Groverland, Jack Groverland, Syntysche Groverland, Rev. Shad Groverland
It all makes sense now. Who Dell is and why he is… What an amazing family! I’m grateful Dell’s independent, strong spirit was cultivated. What a difference one person can make ??
“back into the whole from which you came” I have the same views without ever haven read the bible.
Del’s mom needs to do a podcast!
Healing, meditation, history.
This lady is amazing!
Beautiful family Del ! We are kinder spirits and thinkers as I grew up with Edgar Cayce’s influence also and have continued the same with my own family . Now I understand why I was drawn to the Highwire 2&1/2 yrs ago ! Thanks for introducing us to yours !
Correction * Kindred * spirits. Thank you again for the beautiful conversation with your family members. Your spirits and thoughts resonate with my own. Thank you all for all the work that you do .God Bless !
Monkey Pox “is an offensive name,” so let’s just switch it to Plandemic Pox, Donkey Pox, Gates Pox, Pfaucist Pfizer Pox, $oro$ Pox, Kim Jong Joe North Korea 2.0 Pox or just Money Pox to better define it and not offend common sense. Annnnd these CONmunists need a legacy with a name. CONmunist Pox!
What a great show and beautiful family. I love the story that builds Del’s bio. How fortunate he and his siblings were to grow up “vaccine” free. That is why they are so fully rounded, creative, in touch with their spiritual selves and sharing their life’s journey and healing process with the world!
I so resonate with their belief system of metaphysics and cause and effect. I belonged to the church of religious science, now called center for spiritual living, which was similar to unity; however inclusive, still practicing fundamentalist christianity so to speak without the hate.
Del and his family model a loving and compassionate group of people who have all devoted their lives to helping others see their full potential and best versions of themselves, rippling out into the world.
We are all so unique and awesome in our own ways. If we focused on what it is we do want in our lives, instead of always having to fight off what we don’t want, we could change the neural pathways in our minds and manifest love instead of fear.
Thanks for sharing of yourself and your family Del. It brought me closer to you and our extended families.
Correction * Kindred * spirits. Thank you again for the beautiful conversation with your family members. Your spirits and thoughts resonate with my own. Thank you all for all the work that you do .God Bless !
Awesome to meet the family. I come from a family of 6 siblings. My mom was born on a reservation in SD. She married a 1/2 German 1/4 Norwegian 1/4 Swede.
My introduction to what Del has been addressing (vaccines) was in 1984 after the birth of my 1st child. I had my 2nd awakening when my grandson had a febrile seizure after his MMR. I dove in with both feet. Still can’t figure out how Del/The Highwire and I crossed paths but I attended the rally in DC, attended a health summit in Alexandria MN.
When this “pandemic” hit, I was skeptical out of the gate. It took a couple of my siblings a bit to come around. So glad we are all on the same page. Not one family folded to any of the pressure. We too have passionate exchanges but all agree there is something much bigger at play here.
I don’t care what side you are on at this point, I think we can all agree those who represent left or right, aren’t representing the desires of “we the people.” Hillary Clinton once stated it takes a village to raise kids. Maybe we could implement that same ideology and work together in protecting the American Republic.
The vegan brother is sickly looking.
I found your dad’s church and listened to his sermons. I enjoyed it. It sounds like your childhood was a riot!
Wow! What an amazing episode! Norma has my heart forever. What an amazing lady. My beliefs have resonated with Del every single week… from before standing in line for Vaxxed through his very first shows until the present episode. But to hear spiritual leaders talk about the body and food in the way they did, to include the word meditation in their practices, and to speak of the “divine essence in all of us”, and combine that with biblical verses. I think I have finally found my church after all of these years. I’m going to check out their website and watch some sermons today. Thank you all for being here during this lifetime and sharing your wisdom. You all truly have made a difference in this world in your own ways. Keep doing what you do. We need you now more than ever.
This show is so incredibly valuable because it opens the door to a much more elaborate conversation. As in, conversation is always limited to the capable parameters of it’s participants. You don’t open certain doors because you assume the other person will have no idea what your talking about. In the same way I’m now going ‘shoot, Del knows all kinds of things, much broader ultimate purpose type of stuff’, I think this show may have been Del’s way of testing the waters with his audience a little bit. So, if you guys at The Highwire have been contemplating taking a few filters off and expanding the conversation a little bit, I would just say.: 10-4 good buddy. We got our ears on. We know what you’re talking about. At least some of us do. I order Alchemy-V. How what this show is doing fits into the paradigm shift is an interesting conversation. What are all these new institutions/methods/etc? 1st->2nd->3rd Dimensions. Thoughts-> Words/writing/Paper/Drawings->Our Reality. Let’s get some more stuff into the 2nd dimension of creation. I didn’t know you already have it in the 1st. Now I do. Crank up this conversation!
Del I wanted to clap and cheer at the end there when you gave such a good account of why the government should not be in charge of making our world better. BRAVO!!!
Loved hearing from your family. We need more of this in the world.
Something interesting about the people Del mentioned trying to discredit him with his family history is that one of them copied and pasted from The Lds Family Search which you can only access if you are Lds or have a friend who is who gives access to that information. Lds usually has tough security on their systems so hacking it for that info is unlikely. I’m not surprised that this became an issue. Their is some not will known even to most Lds, history between Very early Lds connected businessmen and some pioneers and Iriquois tribes that had been split up close to that time period (mohawk being one of them) Some tribes were moved more to the Northern midwest territories forcing them to mix territory with more Algonquin and souix tribes. There is some strong evidence that the Constitution of the United States was formed based on a mix of these Iroquois tribes’ forms of governance and maybe from a few tribes from The North East in Canada Closely tied. The Lds governing structure I believe was formed from this influence as well since the Leader was born and lived in New York area where much of this history was known by some at the time. One can get deeper into the significance of all this especially from an Lds perspective. Especially from a prophecy perspective. But there is a history of injustice there too, especially when it come to Boarding Schools and others such as land schemes. This is all very interesting from every perspective. Our family is mixed blood as well of Native American (Bear clan) and European decent. The bear story was especially awesome!
Love how much Your family ( Bigtree/Groverland ) has so much fiery passion for what’s good! Especially mom! She’s a woman after my own heart! It’s refreshing even just listening to them!
Thankyou! Watching this made me feel the closest thing to the home in my heart I’ve felt in a very long time. Wisdom Love and Soul sharing As one is no pretense, just humble flawed human being allowing other human beings to be humble and flawed but still loved and valued! That’s the Spirit I fell in love with as a child. So much soul and Light there. Mine had retreated somewhere deep inside of me because of so much pain, negativity and trauma. This reminded me of how good it can feel to be alive and filled with the spirit again because it was here in these hearts wanting to be good people. This is what make a home. This is what makes a family and this is the seed of what makes heaven. This Old soul has been in the desert wandering for quite some time now thirsty. This was a well found in the barren sands. This well was where my orginial self was sprung from. Thankyou for sharing in a way it could spring back up from within to feel my soul again, even if for a moment. The spark of ones essense! Quote “Find Me when I have lost myself. That is all I ask of you! ” A.A. Miller.
This is what so many of us are deep down looking for and need but don’t have anymore or never truly had.. Only an imitation. A family like this and a community like this full of substance and meaning, not just on some online forum but on a personal tangible presense on a day to day local level. This hits the ballpark in grasping the essense of what a soul is looking for. What a soul really needs and desires and wants to go home to. Too many of us have become spiritual orphans.
If one can bring us back to that one can have our souls for life and beyond.
Thank you Del for sharing, you have a beautiful family working for Truth for what’s important, for the sake of our children and generations to come, in harmony we will become one conscience over consciousness.
Love your family, thank you for sharing the wonderful messages and teachings from your family that you were lucky to grow up with everyone directly. It explains so much about the truth you convey and the very special work you are doing. Keep going. We all know miracles are being created Sending you many good wishes, light and love from Athens Greece.
Amazing show, brought me to tears several times. What an amazing family you have, Del! Just beautiful and completely inspiring. I’m in awe.

Thank you for sharing them with us!
Dell, you have a beautiful family. I thoroughly enjoyed your show! I now see how you gained all that courage to stand up and be true to yourself. Best show yet!
Del, I LOVE your mother! She is amazing. Your family is great; so glad to see this, thank you!
About 20mins in and I thought “there is a little tension between Del and his brother”. But then as the show went on I thought I must have been imagining it. Finally at the end when the environmental topics arose, the tension was apparent again.
Bravo to the whole family for being a shining example of how to be civil and engage in friendly debate.
Side Note: I like to think of myself as an environmentalist as well but one thing which also gets me is when other environmentalists talk about water, particularly when they talk about ‘water waste’ to which I always have to ask “how exactly do you ‘waste’ water?”
The evaporation, condensation, precipitation cycle is basic science showing water doesn’t magically cease to exist, it’s just transformed from one form to another in a circular cycle – i.e. it is never wasted.
Wow that was an amazing show I loved listening to your story, you must’ve had an amazing childhood and kids today will never know what it’s like to live in nature like you did. My boys are 17 and 21 and never been vaccinated I if my 21-year-old would’ve got vaccinated he would be autistic , I believe I have a guardian angel helping me understand about vaccines because the information wasn’t out there back in 2000. I really feel sorry for kids today seeing them get so many injections and how many children are sick, i’m happy this Covid hit because it has woken a lot of people up about vaccines. I would never tell anybody my kids where not vaccinated because I was scared of being rejected. But once Covid hit I tell everybody because I’m no longer afraid of the truth, plus i became a born again Christian last year. I hope and pray that all natural herbal medicine comes back to our world and we can heal our kids once again. Love your work Dale you and your team are doing a fantastic job.
AnnMarie from Adelaide Australia
I’m with you Del! The government is not stepping in because they care about climate and the environment. For them it is only a money and power grab! Just ask the government where our climate tax money is going. They can’t answer because it is going in their pockets!
Yes, in general, the government is not trying to help us. They are trying to doing many things against us. The recent example in this August 2022 is the so-called Inflation Reduction Act the US Congress passed, which is a spending bill likely to cause more inflation and take more wealth from the middle class for benefit of those in government.
Hypocrites run our government. The #1 cause of climate change is “war” — and yet our prez just spent 60 BILLION DOLLARS on bombs..
A lot to unpack here!
Man created in the image of God; animals .are not but were created for the use and benefit of man.(I eat a very little fish and believe animal life is sacred too.). Dominion over the earth includes science and industry, an ever expanding world that is certainly not a threat to nature or the the elements but improves it. I agree against pollution., particularly EVIL. There is so much we could do if the government wasn’t taken over by central banking to enslave humanity. We need to abolish the fed and reinstall a constitutional 3rd national bank for development for the common good, the common wealth; Hamilton Banking! Together we can do more .for Posterity.. Isn’t that the GOAL? We are the intelligent beings and we CAN rise with God’s help just as our founding fathers did. We must go back to those principles and be one..
I appreciate your thoughts and ideas.
What comes to mind is Mormon 5:24 “Therefor, repent ye, and humble yourselves before him, lest he shall come out in justice against you – lest a remnant of the seed of Jacob, (the covenant people, which the Native Americans are), and “shall go forth among you as a lion, and tear you in pieces, and there is none to deliver.”
The point is to aide the world and eliminate poverty not kill them through “global warming” and no energy, no development. Sorry I cannot be more concise.
If you mean some people’s solution to world wide poverty and problems is to eliminate the people; I agree with you, the strong should aid the weak.
Nice family Del. So much energy. That is how my family was until my mothers passing, she truly was the glue that held us together because now shes gone we don’t see each other hardly ever and that is a damn shame. God bless all of you… ty and BIG HUG.
Awesome to meet the family. I come from a family of 6 siblings. My mom was born on a reservation in SD. She married a 1/2 German 1/4 Norwegian 1/4 Swede.
My introduction to what Del has been addressing (vaccines) was in 1984 after the birth of my 1st child. I had my 2nd awakening when my grandson had a febrile seizure after his MMR. I dove in with both feet. Still can’t figure out how Del/The Highwire and I crossed paths but I attended the rally in DC, attended a health summit in Alexandria MN.
When this “pandemic” hit, I was skeptical out of the gate. It took a couple of my siblings a bit to come around. So glad we are all on the same page. Not one family folded to any of the pressure. We too have passionate exchanges but all agree there is something much bigger at play here.
I don’t care what side you are on at this point, I think we can all agree those who represent left or right, aren’t representing the desires of “we the people.” Hillary Clinton once stated it takes a village to raise kids. Maybe we could implement that same ideology and work together in protecting the American Republic.
It seems HRC said it takes a village to raise a child to pander to some who don’t want to raise their children and build the size and scope of government. I oppose it. … A government organization to protect the American Republic is a self-contradiction. It needs to be an independent organization, and needs to be watched and monitored for keeping to stated policies. As Del Bigtree reminded us, and others said, the media is the 4th branch of government to inform citizens, but what happens when much of the media is corrupted or has blind faith to an incorrect thing, the people follow off the cliff. COVID; Global Warming fraud & hype; etc.
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful family with all of us! You have helped so many of us through the Pandemic. Now we know where you get your great abilities to have such faith in what you believe in and the courage to share it. We love you.
Del Bigtree, please ask your mother to look at the Citizen’s United case from other sources. That court case allows small donors to support corporations to run political ads. For example, the NRA would have been unable to have political ads without it, only the very rich would be able to run ads. … Are they getting their info from NPR and the like and no other sources?
My family and relatives discuss no meaningful topics, like vaccinations, politics, or government policies. I did manage to show my dad and his wife the movie VAXXED. At the end he said, why do you care? I said because these things affect us. His wife’s son made the excuse, they don’t know there is relationship of the injuries to the vaccinations without watching the movie or other personal research. … I have met no one else who is interested in the topic of vaccinations. Most do what the doctor and government tells them. I’d swear it is like living in a brain washed cult sometimes … Thanks again Del Bigtree.
This was an unexpected show. It is OK I guess. They gave no backing for their positions, like a lot of people. … For example, in general I support Nato because it seemed to keep the USSR from invading and conquering those states, and support Sweden and Finland joining today to reduce the risk of Russia invading them. We do business with a Swedish company and I don’t want them affected. War is hell and harms ordinary people, I don’t wish it on anyone, and I support defensive wars to stop the aggressors.
Loved, loved, loved this episode. What an amazing family!! I’m going to get your dad’s book
What a great show, and what great conversation. As a libretarian, I have loved seeing your journey to this place. I have always been an environmentalist, libertarianism, farmer, and techie. These things are not mutually exclusive.
If you love the earth, it’s obvious what to do, and nobody needs to force their views on me. I’ve been politically engaged since I was 16 (many years ago), and I hate the idea of someone else controlling my life, as if I can’t do it myself. It was wonderful to see the exchange.among you. Truly, Dell, you were out on the highwire in this episode.
Wow! Best show ever!
Hare Krishna!