Former UK Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, was confronted this week during a press hearing to elaborate on the studies the English government referenced on asymptomatic spread to justify the tyrannical lockdown. Hear his astonishing answer.
Is that your story to tell!
I know it may have been a brain slip, but the evidence indicates poliomyelitis is a poisoning condition, not due to the polio virus that was framed and named for it.
Sweden was vindicated, correct in stating the massive lockdowns were unprecedented experiment – the results of which were devastating.
Travel restriction to areas that were not affected and quarantining of the ill and those in close contact with them were justifiable, but beyond that it was best that people be free to handle it as they please.
I would be in favor of special accommodations for the most vulnerable, and even the simply terror-stricken who wished to isolate. But make it a personal choice.
Even if I were very old, and likely to die within a few years, I would much rather be able to see the people I love and take the chance of not living quite as long, rather than spend the last couple years of my life isolated from them.