[00:00:03] Highwire ad
Did you notice that this show doesn’t have any commercials, I’m not selling you diapers or vitamins or smoothies or gasoline. That’s because I don’t want corporate sponsors telling us what to investigate and what to say. Instead, you’re our sponsors. This is a production by our nonprofit, the Informed Consent Action Network. If you want more investigations, more hard-hitting news, if you want the truth, go to Icandecide.org and donate now.
[00:00:48] Del
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are out there in the world, it’s time to step out onto the HighWire. You know, every once in a while, when you’re scrolling through YouTube or something, you see somebody that says something so perfectly. It’s like they’re out of an Aaron Sorkin television show. Every word is exactly right. You think, man, I wish I could say it just like that. Check out this video.
[00:01:14] Matt Walsh
Hi, my name is Matt Walsh. I’m a community member in Nashville and a father of 4. You and the school board have decided that our kids should go to school all day, every day wearing muzzles like rabid dogs. I have listened to your arguments and I’ve noticed that they’re missing a few things, namely evidence, data, science, common sense and basic human decency. You’ve presented no facts at all. So let me do that now. Here they are. Covid poses almost no risk to our kids at all. Four point two million children have tested positive for Covid, a total of .008 percent of them have died. What about the flu? The CDC estimates that four hundred and eighty kids died from the flu in the 2018-2019 season. That’s more than have died from Covid in a year and a half. Now, did anyone on this board suggest at any point that year that kids wear masks? Did anyone in this room suggest that at any point anyone wear masks for flu, which again, is more dangerous to kids than Covid? That’s a fact. Now, do you know what it’s called when you force your children to wear masks for fear of a virus that poses almost no threat to them? It’s called child abuse. You want to look up a disease, look up Munchausen by Proxy, because that’s what this is. If you think I’m exaggerating, then how would you respond to a parent who forced his kid to wear a football helmet every day, all day for fear of falling coconuts and meteors. Your kid is almost as likely to die of Covid as he is from a rock from the sky. And yet, if you saw that, you would say to that parent that he is abusive, that he is forcing his kid to participate in this utterly insane charade in order to satisfy his delusional, psychotic hypochondria. Now, do any of you know what sort of psychological damage we do to children by forcing them to cover their faces, teaching them that the air is toxic, that everyone around them is sick? Have you wondered about the health effects of forcing kids to breathe through sweat and spit and dirt soaked rags every single day? What about learning to read? And they can’t see the teacher annunciating the words? What does it do to a child’s developing immune system if he has to wear a mask all day, every day. You’re satisfied to place this burden on children anyway and why? It’s not to keep them safe. They are safe. It’s not to keep the adults safe. They can all get vaccinated if they want. No, you do it to make yourselves feel better and to protect yourselves politically. The child’s mask is a symbolic security blanket for you, not them. It’s a disgrace and you should all be ashamed. Thank you for your time.
[00:03:34] Del
And that’s our show. I’ll see you next week. [laughing] That was Matt Walsh, who is a very popular blogger, the host of The Matt Walsh Show, and I think he’s a contributor on The Daily Wire. Absolutely hit it out of the park. And it’s a great way to start out today’s show because we are going to cover almost every one of those details that he talked about except for falling coconuts. But if you want to get into the details of the discussions that are happening in school boards all around this nation and probably around the world, we’re going to talk about that today, because it’s all about the kids. I got a huge show. I got Jackie Schlegel joining me from Texans for Vaccine Choice, who’s been battling on the front lines for years, making a lot of headway here in Texas. We’re going to talk about what she’s doing in an upcoming event. And then I have Dr. Stefani Reinold joining me. She’s been on the show before. Before she was only just a psychiatrist and a health expert and a mother, but now she’s on a school board. So we’re going to get a look into what’s happening behind those closed doors when we’re not there. What are the discussions? What is the knowledge base? I’m really looking forward to that conversation. But first, you know, when we think about the health of our children and ourselves, there’s a topic that we’ve been wanting to get into for a long time. So many of you have been writing in about 5G and questions about 5G and how healthy is it. How safe is it? And frankly, I just kind of want to ask you, I mean, I don’t know what you’re worried about. You don’t want this?
[00:05:21] 5G commercial
We’re ready. Oh, yeah. Been looking forward to this. Modulating frequencies now. It’s time, let’s light it up. Are you ready, Neville? Pre check. Check. Check, OK, Neville, in T minus three two one, ready to launch, hit the button. Here we go. It’s working. OK. Nationwide 5G is live. Yeah, yeah, and we’re just getting started. And wait until they see what’s next.
[00:06:37] Del
It’s amazing, isn’t it, when you watch that commercial to think that some people actually watch that and think that’s a great thing while the rest of us think it is just like launching a nuclear weapon on this planet. Well, when it comes to this conversation of 5G, many of us wonder what is the safety for our children? And there’s been a landmark case brought by Children’s Health Defense that has just won. And so it is my honor and pleasure to bring in my good friend Robert Kennedy Jr. Amazing that, first of all, is that commercial outrageous? If I wrote a commercial to try to scare people, I would have made it look just like that and to think ad departments thought this would be a really positive vibe to put on our roll out of 5G.
[00:07:23] Robert Kennedy Jr.
Yeah, you wonder if it’s ironic because I mean, basically what the court case, what the Court of Appeals said after years of litigation, CHD brought this case, Washington Court of Appeal challenging the law, the 1996 guidance by FCC that they have refused to change said that wireless is safe unless it actually raised the temperatures of your internal organs. So anything short of actually microwaving you is safe. And now we know that there’s literally tens of thousands of papers out there that say microwave, long before it starts cooking you, long before your temperature rises, it is doing profound damage to your DNA, to your cell system, to your blood brain barrier. It’s causing all kinds of horrendous impacts in children and adults, neuro-developmental problems, autoimmune problems, all kinds of problems. And the FCC for many years, which is a classic captive agency, has been saying everything’s OK, this is safe. And this build out of 5G that we’ve been watching for the past three or four years, particularly since Covid started, is all premised on this idea that it’s safe and now that the Court of Appeals has said nobody’s ever actually investigated. This is a huge global experiment. Well, the Russians don’t let this happen because the Russians actually did the original research on 5G. They knew it was a weapon and they knew it could harm people. And their levels of radiation are one one thousandth of what we eat. What they allow in Russia is one one thousandth of what we allow in this country. And we’re killing the animals, we’re killing the bees, we’re killing the plants, we’re killing the birds. And we’re destroying our children with 5G.
[00:09:29] Robert Kennedy Jr.
I love that ad because these are the ads…it’s a really interesting exploration, as you point out, in human psychology, because that ad if you watch it and you’re the least bit credulous, you’re going to say, oh, this is so great, this is happening and this is progress and my life is going to change. Everything is going to get better with this glossy, slick commercial. And then you start thinking about it and you say, how is my life going to get better? Am I going to be able to download my video game ten seconds faster? The truth is that there’s nothing about this rollout that is intended to improve the quality of human life. The entire purpose of this rollout is to allow government and industry to harvest our data and to surveil us. As you know, for many years they’ve been able to spy on you in your own home. People think that Alexa works with them. It doesn’t. Alexa works for Apple, works for Bill Gates, works for Microsoft. It works for all the companies that are harvesting our data. We are in the middle of the Wild West. The same kind of gold rush that happened during the early days of the oil industry is now happening with data, but the oil, the wealth is in data and they’re taking it for free. And Alexa is sitting in your home listening to you cough, listening to you sniffle, listening to you sneeze, listening to you talk to your wife and saying we need a new mattress. And then having somebody market one to you, talking about positions that you like, figuring out what advertisements are effective against you, figuring out how to attack you with marketing. The problem was with the industry, they were getting all of these gigabytes of data, but they had no way to transport it and no way to process it. Now you have Bill Gates building an analytic center, an entire city in Arizona, 60,000 people in it. Their only job is to analyze this data, monetize it and sell it back to companies that can use it to attack you, to get you to buy their stuff.
[00:11:56] Robert Kennedy Jr.
And so all of it, the lines, the 5G is really designed to allow them to steal your data and transport it and also create artificial intelligence to get rid of human jobs. 40 percent of the jobs in our country involve driving. This will allow them to do driverless vehicles and get rid of 40 percent of the jobs in America. And this is what this is about. It’s about being able to follow you 24 hours a day, use a facial recognition capacity that they already have to follow you on your cell phone with your GPS and follow you in your automobile with your Apple watch, to know where you are. As they digitalize the currency to track and trace and tax every single transaction that you do and then to control you, so that if you do something wrong, now we have digitalized currency and they don’t need to try you in court or anything, they could just cut you off. If you don’t take your vaccine, they know it and they are able to punish you by cutting off your money supply and starve you to death. And so this is really an instrument of total control of our society. And the only way they’ve been able to get it through this far was by lying about its safety. And what our lawsuit has done is that the courts do not believe that the safety has been proven. The FCC never did its job. Now you have to go out and do this, and this is going to be very, very disruptive to this industry.
[00:13:42] Del
What is the future after a case like this? I mean, is there any, you and I, we’ve had cases together when it comes to Health and Human Services, the CDC. You’re sort of jumping into a whole new regulatory agency when we talk about the FCC. But all the same type of plays, right? All the same type of lies and obfuscation. But where does this case take us? Does this mean, are we going to be able to force the FCC to look at all these mountains of data, talking about the dangers, especially to our children. I think about these different stories we’ve heard that have even been reported in the news of 5G near a school, children having higher rates of cancer and things like that. Is the FCC going to have to reevaluate this? Does the public have any involvement or are we still just going to be outside a room hoping that these cronies that are all working together somehow do the right thing?
[00:14:38] Robert Kennedy Jr.
Oh, you’re exactly right Del. What this is going to do, you know ultimately, almost certainly, is it’s going to force the FCC to go through true notice and comment rule making. And what does that mean? It means that they propose a rule and they have to publish their proposed rule. So their proposed guidance about what are the levels of radiation that we can subject humans to in their homes and in their cars and walking down the street. What are the safe levels? In order to do that, they’re going to have to do an environmental impact statement to support that rule that outlines all the science that they rely on. And they’re required to have a public comment period that’s usually about 90 days. And in that, the public responds and says, wait a minute, you ignored this study, you ignored this study, you ignored people like me, like police officers who are in their automobiles all day with all this electronic just baking them, baking their brains and first responders. And that rule does not protect police officers. It doesn’t protect first responders. It doesn’t protect linemen who work in electric facilities. And all those comments legally have to be responded to by the agency. Then you have a public hearing, which is an adjudicatory hearing, where the agency comes in and tries to defend its law. And it brings in the scientists who wrote those studies or who rely on them and they have to explain all of the basis of why they believe that new law will work.And we come with our witnesses and our science and we say, no, you haven’t responded to that. The study that you relied on is a study that’s been totally discredited. In fact, it’s been debunked. And we get to argue in front of the judge. The judge that makes a written opinion, that weighs all the evidence and discusses all the evidence and tells why some of itis valid and some of it isn’t and he must make a decision, he or she, that is not arbitrary and capricious, that is based upon a rational interpretation of the evidence that was presented. And if it is arbitrary and capricious, we can then sue again and appeal that decision. So, yes, that’s exactly what democracy is supposed to do. It’s supposed to, you know… listen, when Congress passes a law, they vote on it, they argue on it, and then they can pass it. TheSenate then passes it and the president signs it and it becomes a law. But a regulation is different. The courts assume that when Congress passes the law that Congress has been voted in there, and if you don’t like the law, you can vote them out. The regulatory agency, people like Tony Fauci are there for 50 years. You can’t get rid of them. And so the courts say if they want to pass a regulation, it has to go through a public process and it has to have a tremendous amount of public involvement, direct public involvement. So everybody who’s affected gets a day in court essentially, and there’s a specific process that they have to go through. And they did not go through it in this case. What they did is illegal. And that’s what the court said. This is an illegal law. There are many, many contracts that these telecom companies signed with municipalities like Los Angeles around the country or Austin or where you are where they went in and they told this to the city council. The city council says is what you’re doing safe? And they’ve said, yeah, the FDA says it’s safe. By the way, the FDA is part of this lawsuit. The FDA said it was safe and the FCC said it was safe and the court mentioned the FDA and the dereliction of the FDA and that they’re a captive agency, it’s not just the pharmaceutical companies, but to the telecom companies and those agencies have said it’s safe. And now they never looked at the evidence. And so those recommendations that those telecom companies made to your local municipality was based on a lie. What happens now? We don’t know. That law, a finding by the FCC, the function of that finding was that this activity is officially safe. Therefore, no matter how badly harmed you are by them, you cannot sue them. And that is the repercussions of that law. Well, now the court has said there was no proof that it’s safe, but does that mean that people who are harmed can now go out and sue them? It’s going to be the wild, wild west. We don’t really know what’s going to happen because the build out took place and it’s all constructed on a lie.
[00:19:59] Del
Wow, Bobby, I mean, that’s huge. We were talking with you years ago about this. I knew that you were getting deep into this. And it’s one of those things just to know that Children’s Health Defense is out there and that you’re diversified the way you are. So often we talk about vaccines and the other issues, but obviously you’ve done such great work throughout your career in both cleaning up rivers and the air, but now looking at 5G, something that is so critical. Let me just ask you a question, because I’m just sort of starting to dip my toes in it. I have a sense of what we’re talking about when we talk about 5G, but are you anti 5G or is there a way to have 5G that would be safe? I mean, you’ve been looking at a lot more documents than I have. Is there a way forward into our future that maybe doesn’t cook us or sort of give us these bad effects? Can we modernize, use 5G in a safer way like Russia, or do you just think this is something we going to recognize we have to scrap?
[00:20:58] Robert Kennedy Jr.
There are safe ways todo it, but the industry had no incentive to do it safely because the regulatory agency set the bar so low. And it’s the same thing with vaccines. If you have a regulatory agency that says, just do whatever you want, we’re not going to ever look at safety, the industry is, it’s going be a race to bottom. They’re going to give you the least safe vaccines because they’re the cheapest to make and they’re not going to hire anybody to do safety, which is exactly what they do. They don’t have to do the clinical trials or anything else. As you know, Covid trials are the first trials in history, pre clinical trials of vaccines that ever used the placebo. And short and shoddy and all this, but at least they used the placebo. There’s no other vaccine that has that. And because of that, the safety profiles of those products are completely irrelevant. The industry, they don’t care how many people they kill or injure, maim or give chronic disease to. And that’s why, I’m not anti-vaccine. It’s possible that you can have a vaccine that actually prevents more injury than it causes. Do we have that today? Nobody knows. And what we need for vaccines and 5G is we need really robust science, we need independent regulators, and we need really well-designed safety science to make sure that we’re getting the safest possible product that we can. And nobody has a right to put something toxic on an antenna next door to me, if my children are radiation sensitive. And there are many, many people that are supersensitive to EMFs, it literally destroys their lives. And a house next to me ought to have to obtain a permit where everybody in the neighborhood can come and say, wait a minute, you can’t put it there because my life’s going to be disrupted. Unfortunately, right now your neighbor can put one of those antennas up, get huge amounts of money from telecom and not even notify you that they’ve done it.
[00:23:13] Del
Well, it’s good to know you’re out there, man, I mean, you’ve been fighting for so long. I want to just congratulate Children’s Health Defense. Please let your team know how thankful we are over here at Informed Consent Action Network and the HighWire. I know what it takes the team behind us to make these things happen. Truly a huge victory and one that I know we’ve all been watching for
some time. So hopefully, we’ll see as this transpires, maybe we can actually get real science and maybe get all these regulatory agencies as they sort of fail the public. I think it’s becoming more and more obvious that maybe we can get the voting public to stand up and start demanding more through the politicians that are effectively putting these regulatory agencies and giving them their goals. So it’s an incredible win. And just going to keep my prayers around. But keep us posted. If there’s anything we can do to help or our audience can do, certainly let us know. But congratulations. It’s really a day for celebration, for sure.
[00:24:17] Robert Kennedy Jr.
And Del, thank you for everything that you do and that ICAN does. We wouldn’t have been able to do half of the victories that we won, our victories that we won because of the work and the partnership with you. And my personal friendship with you is something I really treasure. So thanks for everything that you do Del.
[00:24:38] Del
All right. Keep up the good work, Bobby. I’ll talk to you soon. All right, well, what an amazing start. Victories everywhere in so many different walks of life. We’re talking about our children, though. We’re talking about their safety. We’re talking about going back to school. Does anyone in our government care about their health and their actual mental health, their safety? To get to the bottom of that, it’s time for the Jaxen report.
[00:25:12] Del
All right, Jefferey, I know I tied your hands behind your back. You’ve been handcuffed and said we’re just going to cover stuff about kids because there’s so many other stories out there. But there’s also plenty to talk about when it comes to our children, their health in this crazy, pandemic driven world. So what do you got for us today?
[00:25:30] Jefferey Jaxen
You bet, thanks, Del. So parents have questions. They’ve called into the show, they’ve talked to you. I know you’ve went into the communities and are talking to parents as well. And they have questions about their kids which are going back to school here in the U.S. really shortly. And the media and public health officials have really created a frenzied atmosphere around the Delta variant with their reporting. And this is what it looks like. Take a look at this.
[00:25:55] News clip
Just as parents are preparing to send kids back to school. More than nineteen hundred kids are currently hospitalized with the coronavirus.
[00:26:03] News clip
Children who early on were thought to be virtually immune to Covid are filling up hospitals from coast to coast.
[00:26:09] News clip
Children are less likely to get Covid, but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to get it and they’re not going to get sick and they’re not going to die from it.
[00:26:16] News clip
This Delta variant that we’re seeing now changes the game.
[00:26:19] News clip
So we’re seeing kids come in with respiratory illnesses, cough, shortness of breath, needing supplemental oxygen on our respiratory floor.
[00:26:27] News clip
Children are more ill. They require higher levels of care. And sadly, I think we’re going to be seeing more deaths over the coming weeks.
[00:26:34] News clip
The only population in the United States today that is 100 percent unvaccinated is children under the age of 12 years. So as responsible adults and as a society, we’ve got to use a layered approach and actually cocoon them to keep them safe.
[00:26:51] News clip
We don’t know the long term impacts. Kids are getting long haul Covid and so we just don’t know what this means for them down the road.
[00:26:59] Tony Fauci
If you want to keep them in school, you really got to do whatever you can to keep them safe. The first thing you do is that you surround them with people who are vaccinated.
[00:27:09] News clip
We can’t risk children’s lives today because they’re going to be having the impacts the rest of their lives.
[00:27:17] Del
I mean, just watching that Jefferey, obviously this show is not about the effectiveness of the vaccine, but this whole idea of cocooning and protecting them by vaccinating yourself and all of these things, it’s like they can’t get rid of the old playbook even though the game has completely changed. You got a vaccine that doesn’t stop infection, doesn’t stop transmission, is now responsible for the serious cases in hospitals all around the world. But that is not today’s show. Today’s show is about these poor kids that are hanging in the balance and these parents, I mean, they’re terrified. If you watch that news, it’s like chicken little and the sky is falling. You’re under the impression that all these…I love that line, well it’s true that it’s much more rare for children to be ill or sick, but that doesn’t mean they can’t die. What an outrageous statement. So today we really wanted to drill in on how big a risk is this? I mean, we’re getting calls right, from our own side. We’re hearing the unvaccinated are involved. What are the numbers when we really break it down?
[00:28:18] Jefferey Jaxen
Right, and so yeah, let’s drill down in this, give parents hopefully a better picture, maybe some further data, more accurate data to give them a better idea on how they move forward. So really quick, the Delta variant, it actually showed up in December 2020 in India, that was the India variant. They changed it to the Delta variant. By the middle of June, it was about a third of all cases in the U.S. By the end of July this year, it was about over 90 percent of the cases, according to the CDC. So let’s take a look at some of the CDC’s numbers for kids during the entire pandemic. And this is the headline [REF] here, it says CDC: 335 children ages 17 and under have died of Covid in the U.S. during the pandemic. Now, this was at the end of July when the Delta variant was really at its max. And it says here in the article, since the start of the pandemic 18 months ago, in January 2020, a total of 335 children ages 17 and under have died of Covid-19, according to the Federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention. In that same 18 month time period, a total of forty nine thousand seven hundred and twenty five children ages zero to 17 have died from all causes. So Covid deaths account for .673. That’s 0.673 percent of all deaths among children under 17. So that should give…just to start this segment out, that should give people kind of a framework of what we’re working with here. But don’t just listen to me…
[00:29:44] Del
Let’s be clear before we go forward, Jefferey. If you really are terrified for your child’s safety burn their skateboards, get rid of their bicycles, don’t ever let them walk down the street. I mean, .67, the panic that people…and it’s not their fault, right? Really they should be blaming the parents, but this is what the media should be telling you to do, right? Just go ahead and put a one foot pillow inside of your children’s bedroom because that’s how you’re going to have to raise them if we’re going to start worrying about issues that affect them at a .67 rate. Absolutely outrageous.
[00:30:19] Jefferey Jaxen
Right, right, yeah, and in that cancers, suicides, even driving in a car, very risky for children, for anybody, for that matter. So really put that into perspective. Very, very good that you did that. But again, let’s not listen to us. This is Dr. Marty Makary. He’s a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. And here’s what he had to say about those numbers.
[00:30:43] Tony Perkins
Your research team looked into approximately 48,000 children under the age of 18 that had been diagnosed with Covid. Share with us what your information, what you uncovered as you looked at the evidence.
[00:31:00] Dr. Marty Makary
Yes, so we looked at 48,000 Covid cases in healthy kids and no healthy kid died. No healthy kid died of Covid. The mortality rate was zero among healthy kids. And that’s what we need the CDC to be doing with that number of 335 deaths in kids under 18. Tell us how many healthy kids died, because that makes a big difference. When it comes to kids, we’ve imposed a tremendous amount of restrictions on kids for the last year and a half based on one number. And that number is three hundred and thirty five Covid deaths in kids under 18 during the entire pandemic. Now, I’m not downplaying that number, but has the CDC ever called the families and those doctors who took care of those kids and asked if Covid actually caused the illness? They have not. Have they risk stratified? In other words, do what we do in public health, and that is figure out what percent of those kids had a co-morbid condition and how many of them were healthy because we’re making recommendations for healthy kids based on data that may be clustered around those with co-morbid conditions. They’ve not done that either. So they’ve got very sloppy data by which they’re making these decisions. By the way, five hundred kids die of the common cold RSV virus each year.
[00:32:15] Del
All really good points, and it makes me think how we’re all being…we’re not allowed to have the conversation we want to have, right? What is health? I mean, we talk about the kids that are dying, what are their co-morbidities? I mean, I just saw a headline the other day, I think, 78 percent of deaths in America of all ages involved obesity. Diabetes is playing a huge part of this. And yet, it’s like we’re not even allowed to discuss that. We live in a world now where it’s not P.C. to talk about your health status except for your vaccine status. I mean, we can drill down. We can make you carry a passport. We can shame you. We can make you use a different water fountain if you’re not vaccinated and drinking nothing but pure water at home and eating organic food. And your parents are making you hike and exercise and ride your bike, but we can shame those people. But if you live on a diet of McDonalds, Doritos, Coca-Cola, your kids are suffering and have all sorts of other co-morbidities that are putting them in harm’s way, we’re not even allowed to discuss that. And the CDC is taking part in that. They’re not even going to let you know, as it turns out, as we just heard, healthy kids don’t die from Covid.
[00:33:22] Jefferey Jaxen
Right. Around 48,000 they tracked and in healthy kids, there were zero cases. That’s what he said. Just to repeat, that’s a very important figure. Now, let’s drill down to specific states. Just a few. I’ve just pulled a couple. Anybody can do this. Any parent can do this. It’s very accessible information. But let’s take a look at Florida first. This is from the Florida Department of Health. [REF] And this is their Covid cases. And if you see here, there’s a little highlighted section there. It says under 16, 10 deaths out of 312,934 cases. And that brings the mortality rate per 100,000 to point three. Very, very small. So Florida and just to put this in there too, each state has a different definition for a child or children, sometimes it’s zero to 16, zero to 19, sometimes even up to 24 years old. So the figures can get skewed also like that, just as a caveat. Now, let’s go to California. Lots of information coming out of California, a lot of restrictions out of California. Here’s their chart from the California Department of Health. [REF] You see here, 5 and under – number of deaths is 7, 5 to 17 – number of deaths is 23. So that’s 30 total since the pandemic started. Now we go to where you’re at in Texas…
[00:34:34] Del
Just look at that column right next to it. It says percent of death zero, right? I mean, it’s such a low number in the masses that we’re talking about. All right. Continue on.
[00:34:44] Jefferey Jaxen
Right. They can’t even carry it past the decimal point to find a significant number there. So now looking at the Texas Health and Human Services numbers. [REF] So we have here 1 and under, there’s 8, ages 1 to 9, there’s 14. That’s at the bottom left there, those little small little slivers and then 10 to 19, there’s 37, so that’s about 50 there and again, since the whole pandemic. Now let’s fast forward into New York. Go right back across the country. New York’s a place, lots of lots of restrictions there as well. We’re being told vaccine passports are being rolled out everywhere to participate in society. We have a little arrow here from their Department of Health. [REF] We have age groups, fatality by age group, 0 to 9 – 16, 10 to 19 is 14. So we have 30 there…
[00:35:38] Del
Again, just look at the zeroes folks.We’re in zero land. This is a zero issue. But you wouldn’t know that if you’re watching MSNBC or FOX or CBS, any of these stations. They are making, they’re literally screaming fire in a crowded room. This is illegal. It’s one of the few parts of speech that’s illegal to make people terrified of, as you know Matt Walsh put so perfectly, coconuts falling from the sky and meteors. I mean, this is insane.
[00:36:07] Jefferey Jaxen
And some of the points that really drove this home for me were in these next slides. This is the American Academy of Pediatrics. [REF] This is their mortality rates for kids and they do state level data reporting for children and Covid-19. This is basically one of the major things they’re doing right now during this pandemic. And this is what they had to say. This is directly from their report, their updated report. It says, “The available data indicate that Covid-19 associated hospitalization and death is uncommon in children. At this time, it appears that severe illness due to Covid-19 is uncommon among children.” Please take this to your school boards. Continuing with the quotes, “mortality, 43 states, New York, Puerto Rico, Guam reported.” That’s 43 states. It’s not all of them. “Among states reporting, children were .00 percent to .25 percent of all Covid-19 deaths, and 7 states reported zero child deaths. In states reporting .00 percent to .03 percent of all child Covid-19 cases resulted in death.” Those are some very, very interesting statistics. And if you don’t believe those headlines, let’s go right to their actual data summary of the mortality in the report here. And if you look to the right, you have two columns, one at the very far right it says percent of child cases resulting in death and the one right next to that says percent children of total deaths. You can see on the far right, the percent of child cases resulting in death has been .01 percent from basically almost the start of 2021 until this most recent report. That has not changed.
[00:37:46] Del
Yeah, where’s the rise? We should be seeing it right there, right? We should be seeing this rise coming into April of the Delta variant. And there’s nothing there. I mean, it is a 0.01 the whole time.
[00:38:02] Jefferey Jaxen
Exactly. If the Delta variant was really that deadly for kids, we should have been seeing some effects there in about mid-June by about June 19th, June 20th by the data from the CDC, because that’s when about a third of reported cases in the U.S. all cases were finding Delta. So we’re not seeing that. We see, with all due respect to that data, this data here, we do see in the percentage children of total deaths, we see it go from .06 percent to .07 percent. So small, small number. But I guess I want to make a note of that. But now let’s go to the summary of hospitalizations, because the question is, well they’re not dying so are they… what’s the hospitalization rate? Is there some hidden number here we should really worry about? Same thing. Far to right columns percent children of total hospitalizations, 2.3 percent. You can see it goes from 2.0 at the bottom. Again, this is in April, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. But again, on the far right, hospitalization rate, we’re seeing .8 percent, .9 percent. It’s not really these astronomical rises. And just for understanding, hospitalization, it basically means being admitted to the hospital, providing treatment of any kind to a person that has been admitted to a hospital, inpatient in the hospital. So we’re talking, when we say hospitalization, this could be a vast array of things from serious to…
[00:39:29] Del
An IV drip, a little saline, maybe a touch of oxygen. I mean, it’s really sobering to see these numbers. And this is why we wanted to do this, because it really comes out of data. I mean, I don’t care what New York Times, Washington Post want to say about the HighWire and spreading misinformation or CNN or MSNBC. But you people are a tragedy when it comes to news. You’re not giving people the data. Do you think they could scare people if they said, you know that the risk of dying is 0.01 percent? You better get on it. I think people be like, wait a minute, that’s ridiculous. But they won’t, right? This is what I’m so frustrated with, with the mainstream media. Give people the facts. It’s been a year and a half. Stop just like bloviating at them with your hypochondria as Matt Walsh puts it. And let’s start seeing some data. We have the data. This isn’t a mystery. Why don’t you let me decide if I think that that’s a high death rate? That’s what we’re doing here on the HighWire, as you know. And for those of you out there that are watching the first time, we call it the HighWire protocol. If you are not on our mailing list then you’re missing the biggest part of what we do, which is on Monday after watching this show, all of this data, all of these graphs are going to be in your hands with hyperlinks on Monday. All you have to do is be a member of a newsletter. You don’t have to give us a red cent if you don’t want to. This is called transparency in news, the HighWire protocol. We’re demanding that especially any news agency that wants to accuse us of spreading misinformation. Why don’t you try using the HighWire protocol and show us your data?
[00:41:06] Jefferey Jaxen
Right, right, and for those who only believe the CDC, who only live and die by the CDC’s data, their latest numbers, as reported yesterday at 5:00 p.m. was the weekly update. [REF] This is what they’re showing for zero to 17 deaths, 361, all deaths involving Covid-19 for zero to 17. So 361, which does not affect the percentage rate that we talked about when we first opened the show of .67 percent. So not really moving the needle there too much. But some interesting points about CDC data. We really rail on that on the show sometimes because some of it is somewhat questionable with the limitations they use for their studies. But very rarely has it been this outright as what happened in Florida recently. So let’s look at some of the headlines to really start this story out. So Florida’s rise, it says Florida’s still breaking records for daily Covid cases; single day high reaches 28,317. [REF] I guess that would be definitely newsworthy. Another one, CDC: Florida hit single day high for Covid cases. [REF] Well, there was a problem there…
[00:42:12] Del
And let’s be clear right. I mean, it’s obvious the administration, the Biden administration wants to beat on Florida, wants to beat on Texas, because these are the governors that are saying, no, I’m sorry, we’re not having it. We’re not masking. We’re not locking down. We’re not going to force vaccinations to get into our restaurants. Go ahead and spin on that. And that’s pissing off the administration who then reaches out to their lackeys at CNN and MSNBC and say, push the fear, focus on Florida, focus on Texas. So what happened with those numbers?
[00:42:42] Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah, the very same people telling us this isn’t about politics and not to politicize this pandemic appear to be doing exactly that. So the Florida Department of Health actually had to reach out and take to Twitter to defend itself. This is what they wrote. They said, wrong again, the number of cases @CDCgov released for Florida today is incorrect. They combined multiple days into one. We anticipate CDC will correct the record. And that was the Florida Department of Health responding to the South Florida Sun Sentinel’s reporting. So here’s the outcome of that. They actually had, the CDC actually did have to adjust that. And the headline, Florida officials slammed CDC over botched coronavirus data. [REF] It says here, “the CDC recorded 28,317 new cases of Covid-19 until the Florida Department of Health noticed that there was nearly double the actual number in its records, which showed about 15,000 cases. The CDC agreed to meet the department in the middle and revise the number to 19,000 after reportedly rolling several days’ worth of numbers into one.” So that’s how we do data these days, I guess at the CDC.
[00:43:49] Del
It’s like a poker game, right? Like, alright, I’m all in. No, I’ll bet you 25 dollars. We’ll up the pot just a little bit. Can we meet halfway? It’s like a negotiation on buying a house or something. It’s crazy.
[00:44:02] Jefferey Jaxen
And since we’re on CDC and data and talking points, people may remember the director, Rochelle Walensky, came out a couple of weeks ago and this talking point, the pandemic, we’re in a pandemic of the unvaccinated. This was repeated over all of the media, is repeated by, I believe, the Biden administration and the White House. Everybody was talking about this. It was the buzzword of the week. Well, this article really breaks it down in a concise way. And I want to pull some quotes from this because it’s pretty powerful. So the article actually, the title says, Will Americans accept no fly list for unvaccinated? [REF] That’s another thing that’s being attempted. And it says in here, “the narrative that we’re in a pandemic of the unvaccinated was created by using statistics from a time period when the U.S as a whole was largely unvaccinated. When you look at more recent data, the trend is swinging in the opposite direction. January 1st, 2021, only .5 percent of the U.S population had received a Covid shot. By mid-April, an estimated 31 percent had received one or more shots and as of June 15th, 48.7 percent were fully vaccinated.” It goes on to say, “the CDC has also pointed out that you are not considered fully vaccinated until two weeks after your second dose (in the case of Pfizer or Moderna), which is given six weeks after your first shot. This means that if you receive your first dose on June 1st, you won’t be fully vaccinated until eight weeks later, around August 1st.” Really wrap your head around that, what that’s saying there. It’s very, very powerful information.
[00:45:43] Del
And so all the data that we’ve been hearing two weeks ago, pandemic of the unvaccinated, is all data that came from, what, between April and June or all the way back in those times, is that what was happening?
[00:45:56] Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah, it appears to be saying basically that they’re quoting people, they were saying people that were unvaccinated were people that have either had one dose or received two dose. But it wasn’t after that, it wasn’t after that two weeks where they considered the antibodies to really kick in. So it seems to be like a statistical word game here that they’re playing. And the data was before really the full explosive roll out of these vaccines in the U.S that basically vaccinate about 50 percent of the people.
[00:46:23] Del
We’re going to start beating on this a little bit more and especially next week. We’ve been working on a really bombshell show that we’ll be talking about. But when we hear about the unvaccinated, I want to say one thing. You better be unvaccinated. It is really uncool to put people that got one shot, got Covid and died into the unvaccinated category. And people that got two shots, but were still inside of their two weeks. You know what? I’m sorry. You’re not unvaccinated. You want that title. You want to join that group, then you don’t get the vaccine at all. And CDC cannot get away with this. I don’t care if you want to call them partially vaccinated, but this is a total lie. If you want to speak out against being unvaccinated, then make sure the people you’re talking to really didn’t get any of your shots. It’s not right. I mean, especially if this product as we think it is, is lowering your immune system, of course, you’re getting Covid more often after that first shot and after the second shot in those sort of early weeks. It’s incredible that those people get lumped with the unvaccinated. And then collecting data before the timeline we’re in. All of this, I mean, it’s just every day we wake up and we’re calling each other Jefferey. I’m like at what point do they just concede this battle? I feel like I’m in a baseball game or my son’s in a baseball game where we’re ahead like thirty to one. At some point you’re just going to have to forfeit this game. We won this. You’re done. You don’t enough players on the team to pull this out at this point.
[00:47:50] Jefferey Jaxen
And one of the big conversations…so the vaccine narrative is really in some poor shape according to the data and like we said, how they’re doing this. But the other narrative that’s being really battle ground zero here at the school boards is the masks, the masks for children, and a lot of this frenzy around the Delta that’s being created by the media for kids and the danger of it for kids is being used as cover to try to mask up the kids again as they’re going to school. And this is Dr. Marty Makary again. He wrote an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal and it was titled The Case Against Masks for Children. [REF] Very interesting. And I just pulled the opening paragraph here because I think people need to check this out. “Do masks reduce Covid transmission in children? Believe it or not, we could find only a single retrospective study on the question and its results were inconclusive. Yet two weeks ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sternly decreed that 56 million U.S. children and adolescents, vaccinated or not, should cover their faces regardless of the prevalence of infection in their community. Authorities in many places took the cue to impose mandates in schools and elsewhere on the theory that masks can’t do any harm.”
[00:48:59] Jefferey Jaxen
And I pulled another chart here. We talk about Israel a lot only because it was one of the first countries to fully vaccinate, to really celebrate that they fully vaccinated their population. They’re on the way to herd immunity. And take a look at this chart here when it comes to masks. There’s a lot going on in this chart. But I want to focus on this far right side and it says on June 15th, mask mandate lifted and then just a couple of days later, mask mandate reinstated. And we see, this is what we’re told to be one of the most successfully vaccinated populations in the world. We see this rise in cases, skyrocketing up, almost matching the peak previous to it. And for people watching the show, they’ll know that previous to it, coincidentally was during the initial vaccine rollout. So make of that what you will, but that’s what coincided with that peak. So here we have, I don’t know, it’s kind of evidence from just a country. And this is from John Hopkins, Johns Hopkins data. So we’re seeing that even in a masked population, fully vaccinated population, we’re seeing a spike in cases. This is daily new cases per million. Now this premise is all about, like Dr. Makary said, that there’s a theoretical benefit for this mask with no risks. But let’s talk about some risks of masking, lockdowns, because this is what we’re facing as a society right now. Going back to lockdowns. And this was an absolutely shocking headline out of Fox News. Babies born during Covid-19 pandemic tied with lower IQ, study suggests. [REF] The study, this was done in Rhode Island. It’s called, if anybody wants to take a look, a deeper look into the study, it’s called Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on early child cognitive development: Initial findings in a longitudinal observational study of child health. [REF] They looked at early learning composite, what’s called verbal development quotients and nonverbal development quotients. It’s basically how your child learns, the thinking skills, the problem solving abilities. They look at 672 healthy children between three months and three years old. And this is what they found, this is what they wrote, across all measures we found cognitive scores were significantly reduced during the pandemic by twenty seven to thirty seven points, or almost two full standard deviations. They concluded, we find that children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre pandemic. Moreover, we find that males and children in lower socio economic families have been most affected. The results highlight that even in the absence of direct SARS-CoV-2 infection in Covid-19 illness, the environmental changes associated with the Covid-19 pandemic is significantly and negatively affecting infant and child development.
[00:51:49] Del
And that is crazy because you try to wrap your head around what’s affecting an infant? And all I think about is those pregnant mothers I see at the store with the mask on. And I think about when I had Ever, my son, wear the mask and we did the CO2 monitor where we saw just these incredibly toxic levels of CO2. And then imagining what is happening to the development of the brains of these babies in utero when mom is not getting the same amount of oxygen as every other mother has since the dawn of man until now. I mean, that’s got to have an effect. And then I’ve been thinking and I feel like this is almost proof from a conversation you and I had months ago, which is what is a world when an infant is born how do you check their IQ? It’s not like they’re doing math or have reading skills. But what it is is what did they learn from facial expression, right? I mean, the baby’s first moments is looking into mom’s eyes, looking at the nurses. Are they smiling? Are they cooing with you? They are getting none of this information. We got clothes on the rest of us. This is what the babies are studying to understand humanity in the world they’ve come into and it’s all being hidden from them. I mean, it seems so obvious how insane this is. We were reporting on forcing mothers to wear a mask while actually giving birth, right? I mean, think back to Lamaze method, breathe deep. Oxygen is all a part of this. And yet we are forcing them to wear a mask. And now we recognize, oh, gee, oh, snap, as it turns out, wasn’t such a good idea, neither in baby’s brain development, but in their cognitive development. What are these children going to be like when they become adults? We have no idea. We have no idea what it’s like to start children out in a world where they never saw a smile or a frown or a look of concern. None of that information are they learning from in their early…the only information they get is now being taken away from them. They’re almost born in bubbles all by themselves. It’s crazy.
[00:53:51] Jefferey Jaxen
And the restrictions aren’t just masks. We’re talking day care centers closed, stay at home orders, work at home orders, which sometimes puts more stress in the families, travel restrictions and masking policies. And we’re being told that the masks, there’s really no downside and it’s just a preemptive thing in case this Delta is…it’s very contagious. But this segment here, I really want to try to drive home. I pull a lot of data. I really want to drive home some of the issues with these restrictions, including masking that’s having on the kids. So when they say there’s no negative benefits of masking, well, you can make an argument here. So let’s go beyond infants. Let’s talk about the youth. This is the headline recently, Youth Depression and anxiety doubled during the pandemic new analysis finds. [REF] We have studies for this stuff. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it writes, depression and anxiety in youth doubled compared to pre-pandemic levels according to the research. One in four adolescents globally are experiencing clinically elevated depression symptoms, while one in five youth are experiencing clinically elevated anxiety symptoms. This is from the study’s author. She says, “Results from this analysis suggests that the pandemic has likely instigated a global mental health crisis in youth,” said study author Sheri Madigan, an associate professor of clinical psychology and Canada research chair in determinants of child development at the University of Calgary.
[00:55:11] Jefferey Jaxen
But that’s not all. It gets worse. And again, this is for the people that want to mask our children. This is directly from the CDC’s data, their Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. [REF] This is the end of June and it’s called emergency department visits for suspected suicide attempts among persons aged 12 to 25 years before and during the pandemic, January 2019 to May 2021, a pretty big time frame there. And it says, “During 2020, the proportion of mental health related emergency department visits among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years increased 31 percent compared with that during 2019.” But listen to this. In May 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic, emergency department visits for suspected suicide attempts began to increase among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, especially girls. During February 21st to March 20th, 2021 suspected suicide attempt emergency department visits were 50.6, that’s five zero point six percent higher among girls age 12 to 17 years than during the same period in 2019. And along with that, we’re being told Australia, who has talked about using and are using what’s called a zero Covid approach, meaning if anybody has Covid, one person, it could be one person, they lock down the whole city. Melbourne just extended their lockdown. This is out of Australia. This is the headline, Warning of a shadow pandemic of youth suicide. [REF] This is the quote out of The Guardian, there were eight hundred and sixty two attempted suicides in people aged five to twenty five in the past six months and double the amount of interventions to help vulnerable teens in the past year. Such interventions were 99 percent higher nationally from December 2020 to the end of May this year compared to that same period a year ago. Professor Patrick McGorry, the head of Youth Mental Health at University of Melbourne, said the pandemic totally overwhelmed mental health services. He says the system is drowning and crumbling, he told The Australian. This is a shadow pandemic. And every lock down makes it even worse.
[00:57:13] Jefferey Jaxen
And to cap this off, we’re going to talk about something, a headline here on the opioid epidemic increase. We seem to have a stamp on that. We seem to have a handle on that in the United States. The Sackler family had their day in court. They were bankrupted essentially. Yet during the pandemic, Opioid overdoses, 29 percent higher in 2020 than before the pandemic: Study. [REF] Now, this didn’t directly include kids, but this will include families and parents and communities are taking the brunt of this. So when people talk about the masks and the other restrictions having no big deal, it’s all about Covid. These are the headlines that are the issues with that argument.
[00:57:51] Del
Amazing Jefferey. Great reporting. And it really brings some clarity to these conversations. I just wish that we could have our spot either on CNN or Fox that people could actually see the truth. Where would we be if America was actually getting this data, not made up by us, right? We’re not going to Sri Lanka for our data or seeing some hippy with a crystal ball. It comes from the CDC, the FDA, the AAP. It’s amazing that these groups, which we usually admonish, are actually putting the data right out there for people to look at, but they don’t know it’s there because no one in mainstream media is telling them it’s there. I mean, incredible. Jefferey, great job. Thank you for focusing all of that on our children this week. Really important. And I know we’ve got a big, big show we’re building up for next week. I think we’re going to blow this thing all wide open. So I’m looking forward to that. I’ll see you then.
[00:58:45] Jefferey Jaxen
Cool. All right, thanks, Del.
[00:58:47] Del
All right, well, if you like Jefferey Jaxen and the work he’s doing, you can get even deeper by going to thehighwire.com and checking out the Jaxen report, where he writes in more detail articles about the conversations that we’re having here. But, you know, when I started out the show today, I was looking through the Jefferey Jaxen section. I mean, I had the script here on my computer. It’s not just sitting here as a prop. And I would say that two thirds of the slides, at least of this entire show are all packed in that 30 minutes with Jefferey Jaxen, and it goes flying by. And I’m sure you’re thinking to yourself, wait, I want that study and you’re trying to take notes. You don’t have to take notes. I don’t want you taking notes. I want you to absorb it. All I need you to do is sign up to our newsletter, go to thehighwire.com and simply put it in your email. And then all of that data, every single one of those articles, every one of those studies that you want to go and show your brother, your sister, your mother, your father, your neighbor, it’s in your hands on Monday. And if you want to revisit the show and say, how did Jefferey describe it? What am I looking for? You can read the whole study. You can highlight it yourself and really blow your friend’s minds. A great party trick. You ought to try it out.
[00:59:54] Del
All right. So when we think about data and what do we do with it, we see guys like Matt Walsh. We see these parents that are stepping up all across the country with more data, with more information. As we’ve reported, many of the studies that talk about vaccine hesitancy, that are standing up against masks, tend to be higher educated parents, maybe more affluent at times is what some of these reports are. And so these well-armed, well informed parents are going into these school board meetings and frankly, raising hell because they’re over it. We went through a year. If all of these lockdowns worked then why the heck does my kid have to wear a mask this year? I mean, I think it’s reached a boiling point. And we really wanted to sort of get into all of the details around that conversation. So there was a school board meeting happening just the other day, it was an emergency school board meeting in Dripping Springs, Texas. And we sent our film crew in to try and get a feel for both sides of this argument and to see what went down inside that meeting. This is what that looked like.
[01:01:02] School board meeting clip
I’m here tonight to support parents’ rights to choose for their children what is the best thing for them in going to school, and I think that it’s important for them to be able to see each other, see the teachers’ mouths, see the expressions of their friends.
[01:01:16] School board meeting clip
I’m here because my son Wyatt has Type one diabetes. He’s going into sixth grade. It’s better for masks to be worn and for it to be mandated because what we’re doing now, having it be a choice here in Texas is not working.
[01:01:31] School board meeting clip
We respect them wearing a mask. Absolutely. I just want them to support our choice to also not want to wear masks.
[01:01:37] School board meeting clip
There’s no scientific proof that that even helps stop the spread of the virus. It’s a pacifier that makes them feel better.
[01:01:44] School board meeting clip
I am fine with any parent who feels a mask is what is needed for their child. But after our experience last year, we will not mask our children at school. It caused way too much harm academically, socially and emotionally.
[01:01:56] School board meeting clip
I’m looking at a 0.01 percent of children that have died from Covid.
[01:02:02] School board meeting clip
I’m not going lie to you and say that I Know these numbers and that’s one thing that I’ll prove.
[01:02:05] School board meeting clip
If that were the case, if that were true information that you saw, do you feel that it is still necessary to mask children.
[01:02:10] School board meeting clip
[01:02:10] School board meeting clip
At the age that they’re at, when my child puts on a mask, even as his parent, I can’t understand what that child is telling me. And he’s my own child.
[01:02:18] School board meeting clip
You said that you want your child to be more social. Do you think the mask stops any of that from happening?
[01:02:24] School board meeting clip
No, no, I don’t think it does.
[01:02:26] School board meeting clip
One of my middle schoolers and one of my high schoolers are deaf. The mask mandates have effectively stolen access to their education for my children.
[01:02:37] School board meeting clip
We all want to go to normal. But that’s not a choice anymore.
[01:02:40] School board meeting clip
We will keep masking. We will keep distancing. We will keep doing our best regardless of whatever else happens.
[01:02:46] School board meeting clip
My kids aren’t ever wearing a mask again, so that’s it. And I’m standing firm on it. I’m never going to lay down and take it again. We have to stand up. It’s time and that’s it.
[01:03:13] School board meeting clip
For those of who you keeping saying my rights are violated, stop being crybabies.
[01:03:20] School board meeting clip
CDC data shows there were three hundred and fifty four Covid deaths of people under 18 years of age, all of 2020, in all of 2021 combined.
[01:03:30] School board meeting clip
Shut your mouth.
[01:03:50] School board meeting clip
We’re now going to move to the public forum section of our meeting on agenda items.
[01:03:56] School board meeting clip
There’s two kinds of people in this room tonight, those of us who believe in choice, if you want to wear your masks, wear your masks, but don’t force my kids to put something on their face that I don’t agree with. Choice versus force, choice versus force. Think about that.
[01:04:16] School board meeting clip
Masks would allow our students and staff to safely return to a more normal school year, a year where the school stays open. I think we can all agree that that is what we want, a full, normal-ish school year.
[01:04:30] School board meeting clip
So the other side, their signs say masks make schools safer for everyone. That’s a fallacy. There is no empirical data that says that masks as worn in school by our children all day make anybody any safer.
[01:04:47] School board meeting clip
The CDC of the United States was asked to provide any studies that they had that proves the efficiency or the effectiveness of masks. Their response was in quotes they were not aware of any.
[01:05:02] School board meeting clip
I will not burden my child with the responsibility of keeping other people healthy and making other people feel better while compromising her immune system and giving herself migraines by breathing in CO2 all day long.
[01:05:22] School board meeting clip
Where do I, a parent of an immune compromised child stand on masks? I can tell you, based on my experience with my son, that no medical professional, educator or administrator knows my son like my husband and I do. Parents know what is best for their own child. It should be a parent’s choice. My child’s health is my responsibility, it does not fall on the backs and faces of the children of this community.
[01:05:49] School board meeting clip
The current county judicial order gives you the power and the direction to mandate masks for DSISD.
[01:05:58] School board meeting clip
Under Section 418.016a does not include the power to suspend the acts of grant of authority to mayors plural, as in all mayors in the state and county judges plural. The Dallas decision applies to every county mayor and judge in the state of Texas. This meeting is a waste of time. We shouldn’t be here.
[01:06:23] School board meeting clip
Masks for political theater and mask mandates are only being attempted now in county schools because children are being played as political pawns.
[01:06:32] School board meeting clip
Everyone should feel the passion in my voice and that even if you said, we had to do something like cover our face and trust me if I were like you I would. We won’t. We will not comply.
[01:06:47] School board meeting clip
How can you help keep my kids safe? What can we do? I don’t know. If it’s not masks, can we open a window? How can we come together?
[01:06:54] School board meeting clip
How do we keep our children safe? We let them laugh and play, get vitamin D. We eat healthy whole foods that build our immune system and we teach them how to wash their hands properly. We let them be children and not cover and hide them behind a mask, unable to connect with their teachers and friends.
[01:07:13] School board meeting clip
I am an 8th grader at DSMS and I’m here to explain as a deaf and as a hard of hearing mentally ill youth why we shouldn’t wear masks this school year. How would you feel if you were to work as hard as possible, just to fail a grade later on, all because of one interchangeable decision. This is my reality. This is what I deal with every single day, zoned out, because it’s not like I can hear the teacher now is it? I raise my hand, canI go to the bathroom where I sit and cry, begging my mom to come get me because I’d rather be alone than feel alone. And that’s what we felt for the past year and a half, alone and not feeling scars. Thank you.
[01:07:54] School board meeting clip
Thank you for having the courage to share with us.
[01:07:58] School board meeting clip
Mandate or not, they will never walk into that school again with the mask on their face.
[01:08:04] School board meeting clip
My children will not muzzled by a mask.
[01:08:06] School board meeting clip
My children will not be wearing masks.
[01:08:08] School board meeting clip
My children will never wear masks.
[01:08:11] School board meeting clip
My children will never wear a mask in your schools again.
[01:08:16] School board meeting clip
My children will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever wear a mask at school, ever again.
[01:08:24] School board meeting clip
God bless Texas.
[01:08:31] Del
Obviously, a lot of emotion and passion on both sides of this conversation, and I want to be sure to make it clear that though I think mainstream media is demonizing one side of this conversation, that should not be happening. These parents on both sides of this aisle are concerned for the safety and health of their children. And it seems to me that the honest and true way forward is not to blame each other, but to really get to the data, as we’ve been doing in this show. But when we look at obviously with cameras there, we saw all the different conversations that were happening. But we have a really interesting opportunity today because I’m being joined by Dr. Stefani Reinold, who has been on this show before. When she was on before she came on talking about masks, talking about the school. But she was in that position from a parent, a mother that was on one of those microphones talking to the school board. But she did what we’ve been telling all of you to do. She ran for the school board. And so now it is my honor and pleasure to be joined by Dr. Stefani Reinold, who is also, you studied public health, you’re a psychiatrist. You have so many different views on this. But when you watch that video and you see the amount of passion, I know you were up on the stage. What was it like to have that sort of, you know, to be witnessing that in front of you instead of being a part of it? Was the experience different in any way?
[01:09:52] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Absolutely, I mean, I think it’s really hard being a public official in these times right now. And so, I just first want to give a lot of grace to anybody holding public office, because now seeing two sides of it, there are two sides of it. And it’s not as, there is a lot of emotion around these decisions as they play out. And I share in that emotion. I have very strong opinions myself. And yet I also understand that putting on that cap of a public official is a different mindset altogether.
[01:10:23] Del
Is there a difference for you, you’re a parent, does it feel different when you’re making decisions about your child’s health, your family, your husband, your children, and then now you’re going to be making a decision that is literally going to affect all children, who maybe are not in the same health position that your own children are in and does that sort of weigh in to the thinking? Does it change how you look at it?
[01:10:47] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Absolutely. I mean, I think that’s where my public health lens has really helped, because public health is about population health, right? It’s not about individuals. That’s what being a doctor is about. Doctors is about one on one patient care. I get to look at an individual patient and make my best recommendation for you. A public official, as with a public health expert, you should be looking at a population. What is the best decision for an entire school district? What is the best decision for a whole classroom? For a whole school? You know, it’s slightly different when you think about it that way. And so when you think about something like a mask mandate, which obviously is very controversial, you have very polarized opinions on both sides. And Jefferey Jaxen mentioned it perfectly when he’s saying that one side of the issue is oh, just everyone wear a mask. It seems like the simple solution. OK, but we’re leaving out this massive conversation that masks are not without risk. And so from a public health perspective, you have to look at risks versus benefit for a population now, not just for the individual.
[01:11:53] Del
So we see these school boards all across the country, frankly, for the most part, at least last year, they all just went with masks, they all went with restrictions, they all went with lockdowns. And I sit here thinking, what data are they looking at that they’re so confidently, many of them, you know, unanimous decisions are so confidently stepping in there. Now that you’re in that room, and I’m sure there’s things that are probably private in the conversations that you’re having. But what can you tell us about, once you’re on one of these boards, are you being visited by the health department? Does the CDC send in somebody that says, here’s the actual data, here’s the numbers? Are you crunching through facts and data or is it as emotional as the people that are watching CNN out in the audience? I mean, is that it or are they just going with what the pundits have said?
[01:12:42] Dr. Stefani Reinold
It’s a good question. And I feel like we all need a really good understanding about what a school board does. And I know that every state is slightly different. So I can only speak to Texas because that’s where I’m at. And I can only speak to my school district. And I think school board is a very unique position because of public offices that I know about, I don’t know of a single other public office where you’re functioning as a group of people, not just an individual, right? A representative is an individual with their own individual platform. They make their own vote and school board it is that way to an extent, but you are still a united front. And so that becomes a little bit more challenging. Also, a lot of school districts, especially on these Covid protocols, some school districts are voting on this, meaning it’s an actual action item for school boards to take. So then you’re seeing how all of the school board individuals are voting on these issues. Other districts like our district, it was left up to administration, which means that our superintendent with input from the board or input from community, other experts, parents, teachers, et cetera, are making decisions on their own. So the way the decisions are made are not uniform either. So that’s important to understand as well. And that for our district in particular, the school board is not actually that involved. The reason for this particular meeting was actually a legal consult meeting that we just so happen to open up to public comment because we know this was such a highly charged, emotional issue for people to give them that opportunity to be seen, to be heard. And I think some people felt like they weren’t heard, especially on the other side, because they didn’t feel safe to be in that large gathering or they didn’t feel safe to be in that environment. And so there’s even a case to be made that maybe we didn’t really hear fully on both sides of that story. So, you know, it’s very muddy waters. But in terms of what data we’re looking at, at least and again, I can’t speak to last year because I wasn’t on the board last year, I was only elected since May. So it’s been a very short tenure for me so far. But what I can say is we don’t get a lot of data uniformly. I, as a public official, I can ask for that information and it’s freely offered to me, but it’s not really freely shared amongst the board. As I mentioned, this emergency meeting was more a legal decision because our, as you know or don’t know, our governor had issued a ban on county governments to initiate any sort of mask mandate. And then as of Friday, our county judge had issued a mask mandate. So where does that leave us for our school district?
[01:15:21] Del
And additionally, the attorney general had pushed back. This thing went to appeals. And ultimately, that appellate court, I think it was, or was it the Supreme Court that ruled, no, this is the governor’s decision. You can’t…and as I think was pointed out by Patrick in that video, reading from and it says mayors, like all of you mayors, all of you that are underneath the government, you do not have the ability to override this decision. But that’s what the school is weighing in on then was could we follow through with the mask mandate as has been sort of administered to our county if we want to?
[01:15:55] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Correct. And you’ll see, that’s very clear how you just put it. And it seems very clear to me how you’re saying it, but different lawyers and different legal counsel have different opinions which I’ve seen and different school districts, different legal counsel has different opinions. And so just like different doctors are viewing the same data very differently from a public health perspective, different lawyers are going to view these things differently. So I think right now what we’re seeing is this huge divide in our world at large. And there’s very distinct and controversial opinions on both sides of the fence. And it’s going across everything. It’s going across medicine. It’s going across legal. It’s going across business. I mean, every industry is affected by this.
[01:16:40] Del
Yeah. When we think of data, I am sure, you know, given the fact that you obviously got involved with the school board, because you want to bring your medical background, your understanding, your understanding of data, your, sort of, concept of public health. When you then, I imagine, brought data and you start having that conversation in this case was behind closed doors, right? You guys had a meeting before you allowed all the public in. How is it being received? I mean, we see the one guy standing out in front of the school who was told the death rate, as laid out by the CDC, is .01 percent. And he’s like, oh, I’m not aware of those numbers. And then she says, well, if you know that if it was true, should we still mask, yes, as though it didn’t sink in. When you’re presenting data, is it helping with this conversation? Is there an ability to hear data?
[01:17:31] Dr. Stefani Reinold
You know, that has not been a very open, fluid conversation amongst an entire board. And again, it kind of comes back to the difficulties of school board. Every time you meet quorum, which is a certain number of school board officials joining together, you have to have a formal meeting. And in that setting, it’s very formal. As you saw in the video, you know, we’re on stage. Everything’s recorded. It’s public. It’s open to the public. And so, there’s individual conversations sometimes I have, and that’s where really county officials, I think it’s their prerogative to actually get involved, to be sharing the data. And it’s something probably going forward that will be introduced, I would imagine even in our district to be able to monitor these things in a more formal capacity.
[01:18:15] Del
As a citizen in Texas or any state, I can go and visit my senator, I can visit my congressman and sort of talk about, I can bring data, I can say are you aware of these things. Do we have that ability to meet with school board officials? I mean, I’m literally just thinking of that right now. I’ve never heard of somebody saying, go talk to your school board and pull them each aside and run through the data. Would that be weird? Is it like what are you doing talking to me?
[01:18:41] Dr. Stefani Reinold
That’s a really interesting point. I don’t know if anyone’s asked me that before. It definitely wouldn’t be weird. I mean, I welcome people to talk to me about it and I welcome the information. I think that the worst kind of public comment I hear sometimes is I know you already know the numbers. It’s hard for me and I like following the numbers. It’s hard for me to keep up. So I want to say, no, we don’t know, please share. So that information is really good to be had. And I think it’s important for us to be involved in our community. I think that the purpose of school board is to give that community aspect. And I think even in closed meeting, obviously, I represent a really, I represent my whole community, but I represent a unique opinion in my community too, that really frankly got me elected to my position. And so I think that’s a really important voice to bring to the table. So while your platform is a platform of seven people in our district, other districts it’s five or how many ever school board officials, really you as an individual, you’re representing your voice, your voice of your constituents. That means like your friends, your neighbors, the people that elected you.
[01:19:48] Del
When we watch and we’re seeing these YouTube videos all over the country. And I always think back to years out of school, I was directing theater in New York at one point and I’d been an actor as a kid. I remember the first time I sat and was the director now auditioning people. I just had this total, I was like, I wish I’d done this a long time ago. I would have approached how I audition, how I come in to that room differently. Sitting now, up on the stage and having these people step up to the podium and we get really excited about what this person says. Did you see it a different way, when it’s coming at you? Is there something we should know from your vantage point about what is effective as a testimony at the microphone versus what may or may not be effective?
[01:20:33] Dr. Stefani Reinold
That’s a good question. A lot of people will ask me that too. Should we all say the same thing? Should I just be sharing data? Should I just share a personal story? Is it emotion? I have people, do you even read my emails? Do you do this? And honestly, I think all of it is beneficial. I think anything and everything. I think the data is important. I think personal stories are important. I think bringing your kids, if you want to, if they want to. I think sending emails. I think you can’t talk, you can’t stop talking about something that is vitally important to you. And a lot of these issues are literally life and death issues that we talk about. I mean, as a mental health professional, you know, my heart breaks when I hear of people who have had mental health struggles the past year. I’ve had patients die through suicide. That’s a horrible thing to deal with as a physician, having a patient die in a very offbeat way. It’s difficult. It’s a challenging thing to go through. And so, these are very real risks. And these are your own children. I want to see you passionate. I mean, I wouldn’t expect anything less. And so in terms of what makes a good testimony or not, I think anything is good if you’re willing to speak up. I think more times than not, people are just afraid to speak up.
[01:21:46] Del
Yeah. There was a young girl, at the end of that, thatwas so powerful, who I believe is deaf and so reads lips. And she tried to express, actually, I think successfully expressed the emotion of what it was like, the crime against her and her ability to learn when everyone had their faces covered, including the teachers. Nobody seemed to care. She’s going into the bathroom to cry about it. On the other side, you see the mother with a child with diabetes who wants her child protected in that environment. But let’s sort of get out of that emotion. In the school board meetings, as a psychiatrist, I’m curious, what are, I mean, you said you’re seeing suicide. You’re seeing this other result, right? All we hear about it’s just a piece of cloth over your face. Do it, whether it works or not. At least the mother with the child with diabetes will feel better about it and feel safe for her kid. Isn’t that something we can all do? But what about that child that either is deaf and can’t speak or has some sort of PTSD? Maybe they were mugged or are going through a family, personal situation we don’t know about that can’t express it. Are they getting lost in this whole conversation?
[01:22:55] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Yes. Yes. I mean, it’s what we talked about almost a year ago, on the same show, we talked about the mental health piece that we’ve just forgotten about that. Mental health issues were on the rise long before uniformed mask things. But technically speaking, this is a medical device that you’re asking to put on your child and that your child is just going to go away from you for eight to nine hours a day with a medical device that is not actually, has any evidence, really conclusive backing one way or the other. And yet we do know that there are significant harms associated with this and no one talks about that. We don’t, we don’t ever talk about it. I mean, my goodness, I’ve been screaming for a year that I just want schools to acknowledge that there’s a harm attached to it. I’m not even saying take down your mask mandate, although I would love to have a conversation about that. But I’m saying, can you at least acknowledge the harm? And I’ll usually get something of, well, I acknowledge the loss, it’s been a hard year for everybody. No, I’m talking about actual harm of the mask for these individual children. We need to flesh that out, really, because there’s lots of them. There’s emotional developmental harms. There’s actual medical harms like breathing in CO2 all day. There’s infectious harms, the infections that it causes, and let’s build a case for actually having informed consent, which is what you’re all about, obviously. But I mean, let’s talk about maybe there are some benefits. Absolutely, I’m not going to say there is zero benefit, but there is also a whole list of harms that we need to bring into that conversation too.
[01:24:30] Del
So how did the vote turn out? What is the state of Dripping Springs right now? School just started, right?
[01:24:37] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Yes, school started this week. So masks are optional while we’re waiting for things to play out in the courts. So for now…
[01:24:46] Del
So the school board essentially washed its hands of making any decision outside of what the governor, they’re going to see how this plays out. Does the governor have that power? We’re being told Biden, I think next week, is going to begin some form of attack is the only word coming. I don’t want to seem, you know, political, but he’s going to go after the governors that are basically passing these laws. I don’t care what the federal government says. There’s going to be no mask mandates in my state. Really incredible times. Do you feel like you had an effect? I mean, you wanted to get on the school board. We keep telling people, we’ve got to get back involved. We got to get involved in politics. We can’t just sit there and complain about what’s happening. You took action. Do you feel like you’re having an effect?
[01:25:33] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Yeah, I do. I do. I really do. And I think it’s kind of twofold. One is just literally my presence and my gifts and talents of service that I can bring to the table, which I mean, obviously all board members bring their own gifts and talents to the table. So I’m just one person of seven plus our superintendent, which is a team of eight. But I also think something really unique and special happened in my particular community is I gave voice to these issues that parents had screamed about for over a year, and we saw a lot of things not go in our favor this past year. And a lot of, it was a really hard year for our community, I think for all communities around the world. But I feel like me being that voice representing my constituents who have a really important, valid cause. It’s ignited people. I mean, obviously, you saw Monday, parents came, they showed up. And so I think regardless of what happens, we as of now, we have regained a little bit of control to have freedom over our own children.
[01:26:38] Del
I don’t know if you can answer this question, but when we look at that school board, we can get a sense that these are pharma shills, that their lackeys are up there making these votes against us. Are you under the impression that anybody is sort of funded by pharma or planted in there? Or are these really parents that just are looking at a different set of facts or sort of news points?
[01:27:00] Dr. Stefani Reinold
I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me if in larger districts things like that do happen. I think corruption does happen at every layer. I think there’s good eggs, bad eggs. But in my particular district, I’m not seeing that per se. What I do think is just people, we are driven by the information that we have been privy to, right? And if you’ve been privy to a whole different set of information over the past 18 months, you’re obviously going to have a very, very different opinion than what I have looking at what I’ve looked at for the past 18 months. So I think there are a lot of really good hearted, well-intentioned people that serve on school board. I mean, in my district and all districts in Texas, it’s an unpaid position. It’s a thankless job and it takes a ton of time. I don’t think people would run if there wasn’t some selflessness to that. And so I want to give a lot of grace to my colleagues, like it is just a really hard time to be a public official right now.
[01:27:58] Del
All right. Well, I want to thank you for becoming a public official. It’s something that we talk a lot about, but really taking that action is at a whole other level. So thank you for representing and thank you for sharing your insights today. Really appreciate it Stefani.
[01:28:11] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Thanks, Del.
[01:28:12] Del
All right. Well, you’re all going in front of school boards. Hopefully some of you going to run for school board. But the conversation right now obviously is masks. I mean, we’re hearing about the potential for vaccine mandates, but that’s not on the table. What is on the table is whether or not your child is going to have to wear a mask. Thousands and thousands of you have been reaching out to us saying, where was that study that you talked about two months ago or three months ago? So I want to let you know, we’ve compiled all of the information on masks that we’ve addressed over the last year and a half. There’s three different sections of it. Here’s the first one, studies on masks and their effectiveness. All of those links are different studies and articles written on the effectiveness. We have another section, studies on mask mortality, asymptomatic spread and the overall risk. These are obviously, the Covid risk to children in school environments. Look at all that information that’s there. And then lastly, studies on masks and the potential harms of masks. The studies that showed how masks are harming both mentally and physically. All of those links are available to you. Again, all you have to do is be on our newsletter. You don’t even have to be one of our donors. Please. This information will be in your hands this weekend so you can go, and if you’re going to go speak into a school board or maybe you want to go speak to a member by themselves and try and inform them and really put science in front of them or again at a dinner with friends, this is what we need to do. We need to get involved and we’re trying to give you the tools that are going to be in your hands. So please join the newsletter so that we can put all of those documents in your hands so that you can make a difference.
[01:29:51] Del
When it comes to fighting for our rights, there are great health freedom groups all over the country. One of my favorites, and probably the reason I moved to Texas is because of Texans for Vaccine Choice. They are fighting for exactly that, vaccine choice, when on the other side of the aisle are people that want to make our lives difficult. And they’re even saying that. This is a video that Texans for Vaccine Choice put out recently. I think you’ll find it as shocking as I did.
[01:30:25] Texans for Vaccine Choice video
And what we really need to do at this point is to make vaccination the easy choice. It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated. Right now, it’s kind of the opposite. It’s fine, I mean, it’s easy, if you’re unvaccinated, you could do everything you want to do anyway. But at some point, these mandates by workplaces, by schools, I think it will be important to say, hey, you can opt out, but if you want to opt out, you have to sign these forms, you have to get twice weekly testing. Basically, we need to make getting vaccinated the easy choice. That is what it’s going to take for us to actually end the pandemic.
[01:31:17] Del
That was the lovely Leana Wen featured in that beautiful video by Texans for Vaccine Choice. I mean, it’s amazing, right? Remember when Leana Wen was saying, if we just let people take their masks off and open back up without, like, vaccinating, then we’re taking away the carrot. You’ve got to keep the carrot in front of the horse to keep it moving. What are we doing? I mean, that woman, I think honestly, I called Bobby Kennedy and said, are you paying her? I’m not paying her because it sure sounds like she’s working for our side because she’s making them sound ridiculous. Well, it’s not ridiculous and it’s not that funny because it is truly affecting our lives.
She’s all over mainstream media. But to try and counteract that, there’s groups all over the country. And I have the opportunity right now and it’s my honor to talk to Jackie Schlegel, who is one of those groups here in Texas, Texans for Vaccine Choice. I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again. There’s a lot of great groups out there, doing great work in states. But when I was trying to think, where do I want to live? You’ve done some amazing work here in Texas. I mean, obviously, the politics here sort of suit this conversation a little better than where I was at in California. But recently we were all at the Capitol, you know, and what I was shocked by was the health committee. The Senate health committee that we were in front of was actually listening. I mean, and I said to you afterwards, you obviously, so many groups are trying to get through to the politicians, but those health committees are usually just closed off, shut down. Not here in Texas. So obviously, you’ve done an amazing job. How have you developed those relationships?
[01:32:58] Jackie Schlegel
Well, first and foremost, thank you so much for having me. As I’m actually sitting here in studio, I’m like, wow, this is way more comfortable than the Capitol cafeteria, right?
[01:33:08] Del
Where we spent, like, was it like nine hours?
[01:33:11] Jackie Schlegel
I think it was 13 hours waiting. And you were so gracious to come. And the guilt we feel and, you know, sitting there for 13 hours, like I think we’re going to testify soon, Del, I promise, I think the moment is coming. But you have just been such an asset to Texas and we are so thankful to have you here. So, yeah, I think when I launched the organization in 2015, OK, you remember this, right? I had no political background. I had no political experience. I love the stories that we just showed about the parents getting active and involved because that was me. This was just a passion. I was a mama bear. I had to do something and I didn’t know what to do, how to do it. And I’ll be very honest, I didn’t do it very well initially at the very beginning.
[01:34:01] Del
I feel like telling the story. Should we tell the story? Wait, hold on, is it this camera?
[01:34:08] Jackie Schlegel
I did tell the story on air yesterday.
[01:34:12] Del
So just so everyone knows…which camera am I looking at? OK, soAndy Wakefield and I, we were traveling with VAXXED and someone said, you got to meet the head of Texans for Vaccine Choice. She’s going to be testifying. We were told we might get to testify. And so we showed up. And I’ll just never forget Andy, who is amazing at testifying. They just wouldn’t allow him up on the microphone, which I think sort of began like the frustration. And then Jackie got up and it was like a debate. And I think at a certain point Andy’s like this, I mean, he wanted to be answering for her. She was on the hot seat for the first time. And I think he let you know. He wasn’t very subtle. You came down, he’s like, you could have done much better at that, right?
[01:34:53] Jackie Schlegel
Something along those lines. Here’s what was so great about that, though. It was my first kind of public appearance, all right. And I put myself out there and in the grand scheme of things, I look back and I’m like, wow, that was so brave, so amazing. But at the time, it felt horrible. It felt absolutely horrible. I thought the weight of the world was coming down on me. And I’m going to get emotional talking about it because we went out to lunch afterwards and we did a live video. And you just looked at me and we went live and you said, Jackie is a mom. And she put herself out there and she did something. And I encourage the rest of you to do just that. Well, never in a million years did I think fast forward six years later, I would have, quite honestly, a world class organization. We really, truly set the standard for advocacy. We educate, we advocate, we build community. And I feel like we do that very well. But as far as my work in the Capitol, it really was trial by fire. It was get in there. I didn’t feel equipped to have these conversations, but you gotta start somewhere. So I started going to the Capitol every single day and I saw this huge need. I’ll never forget sitting in my first committee hearing, it was like, wow, you know, by the time we get to this point where they are debating whether this bill should go through or not, we’re too late. And so I’m just one person. I’m just a mom. I’m not the most well-spoken, but I can be here and I can be here every single day and that’s what I’ve done for six years. And now we have thousands of families who will show up to the Capitol and join us in that mission. So I would encourage anybody. It doesn’t matter what you have to offer. We all have a role in this movement and there are more of us than we think there are. And when we decide that we are going to come together and be united. Doesn’t matter if you’re the most well spoken. Doesn’t matter if you’ve ever done this before. Doesn’t matter if you have a vaccine injured child or you’re losing your job or anything in between? This is about freedom, liberty. This is about once we hand any more rights over, we’re not getting them back. And that’s what we do as Texans for Vaccine Choice.
[01:37:03] Del
So speaking of events, so we have a huge event coming up on Saturday here at the Austin Capitol. Tell me about that.
[01:37:09] Jackie Schlegel
Well, I’m really, really excited to see what you do on that stage. I…
[01:37:14] Del
Me too. I never know what I’m going do, so we’ll see.
[01:37:17] Jackie Schlegel
I still get press who call out that event in 2019. But look, at the end…
[01:37:22] Del
What was it about 2019 that was special?
[01:37:24] Jackie Schlegel
Oh, the yellow star.
[01:37:26] Del
Like I didn’t know.
[01:37:30] Jackie Schlegel
I remember that very, very well. And so, we have a great lineup. We have an incredible lineup of speakers and I think individuals are going to be blessed when they come to this rally and they hear the speakers that we have. But aside from that, really this is about Texans. This is about actually everybody all across the country and across the world who believes in informed consent, medical privacy and vaccine choice. This is the doctors and the nurses who are losing their jobs. These are the school teachers, who are being told that they have to get vaccinated or else they are going to lose their job. That’s what this event is about. And over the last year and a half alongside you guys, we’ve had great concerns about the direction we were going even as a state. The thinking about mask mandates, you can have the conversation, should you wear a mask or not wear a mask? But it’s a completely different conversation when you talk about mandating it. And I think even some in our community were a little uneasy with our position because out of the gate we just said, no, if you can mandate a mask, you can mandate a vaccine. And then where else is this going to go? But the last year and a half, as this has been building, we’ve gotten a lot of people reaching out saying, when are you going to rally? When are you going to go to the Capitol? And I’ll be honest, Texans really just weren’t to that point. They were fairly complacent. It wasn’t hitting them at home. It wasn’t relevant. The momentum was just not there. And it was probably…
[01:39:16] Del
Also, we don’t vote right? Our Senate here, the policy is like every other year. So you had a year where there’s like nothing that could be done, so why get involved? So that would be my question now. I think there’s probably a lot of people out there like, hey, man, I left California. I was rallying there, but I’m in Texas. It’s cool here. I got Abbott. He’s putting out laws to sort of stop the mask mandate. And so why do I need to get out?
[01:39:42] Jackie Schlegel
Well, the reality is, is that we are seeing these social mandates all across the board. And even for the laws that are on the books, quite honestly, they’re ignoring them. They are just outright ignoring, they are challenging any executive order. They are challenging any legislative bills that we have passed and do have signed into law. And it’s a little bit like whack a mole right now because they can. They can get away with it. And so it is incredibly important that we come together because our phone also has not, it hasn’t stopped ringing off the hook with these cases, these individuals who are faced with the reality of losing their job. I would like to remind people who do come out to our rally, I promise you, we are going to have a huge number of individuals who probably got their first dose of a vaccine, who maybe prior to this vaccine got every other vaccine, got their flu shot. Our demographic has certainly changed at Texans for Vaccine Choice. This is a movement that is compassionate. We are kind. We welcome them into our state house to join us in this fight. And that’s the message that we want to share. Wherever you are in your journey, you have a place with Texans for Vaccine Choice. And we want you to come rally with us Saturday, August 21st. What do you have lined up because you’re speaking?
[01:41:11] Del
I don’t know. I’m going to be there, the 21st. What time does it start? Around eleven? 11:30 we’ll be there. It’s going to be amazing. And I just want to thank you, I mean, not only because of the work that you’re doing, but you are such a great representation, I think, at a time where they are trying to divide this nation. They’re trying to get us to scream and yell at each other. I love what you said. We’re passionate, we’re kind, we’re loving, we’re caring. You have a place here. That absolutely has to be our message. We’ve got to make sure that we don’t scream at those other people that just have different information. They’ve been misinformed. It’s not their fault.
[01:41:47] Jackie Schlegel
Absolutely. I’ve been there. I was that person years ago who really thought this movement was kind of the crazy people. And I think many of the people joining us now, three or four weeks ago, they probably just thought we were the wild anti-vaxxers. And now their eyes have been open because it has become personal to them.
[01:42:08] Del
All right. You’ve got a new app?
[01:42:09] Jackie Schlegel
We have an app. Texans for Vaccine Choice app.
[01:42:12] Del
Do I just go to, like, the app store, Texans for Vaccine Choice?
[01:42:14] Jackie Schlegel
Yes, sir.
[01:42:15] Del
All right.
[01:42:16] Jackie Schlegel
Go to App Store. What is it?
[01:42:18] Del
I think we can figure that out. It’s a button. There it is. It is up on the screen. It’s a button. Just go to your app store, Texans for Vaccine Choice. Congratulations on making the modern world. Obviously, people need to be donating to you. I know how expensive it is to do we’re doing. It’s expensive to do what you’re doing.
[01:42:36] Jackie Schlegel
And can I…we have a donor match right now. Any donation is going to be matched dollar for dollar up to thirty thousand dollars for Texans for Vaccine Choice. That’s a good bit of money and allows us to do a lot of work and put more boots on the ground.
[01:42:52] Del
All right, we got the website up right now. Please donate to Texans for Vaccine Choice. Even if you don’t live in Texas, think about what Texas is representing to the country. If we win here, we win for the country. This is in the news. This is what is being watched. We’ve got the administration pointing at Texas, pointing at Florida. It’s a good thing. Yeah, look at us. Go ahead and watch our death rates. Go ahead and watch what happens here as we open up and we walk around freely, breathing God’s air and we’ll see how that plays out in our country.
[01:43:20] Jackie Schlegel
They are moving here in droves and that speaks volumes.
[01:43:25] Del
Anybody that wants to get in real estate, buy a house here. It’s just going up and up and up. Jackie, keep up the good work. I’ll see you on Saturday.
[01:43:31] Jackie Schlegel
Thank you.
[01:43:32] Del
Awesome. Beautiful. You know, as we think about these conversations of masking and we’re standing in front of school boards and we’re going to send our kids into a public or a private school. And you ever ask yourself, even if I’ve won the argument or what are they saying to my kids inside of the school? How are my teachers…let’s imagine a school where maybe they’re wearing masks and allowing your kid to be one of the unmasked kids. If the teacher doesn’t agree with that, is she having private conversations with your kid or is he having private conversations? There was a video that came out that I think was so chilling because though the parents were standing there, you see them attempting to have a separate conversation with the child. Take a look at this.
[01:44:19] News clip
Seven year old Lisa in hand, the parent approached the doors of Cowan Elementary. The parent asked us not to use the second graders real name. We’re also not showing her face, nor the mothers for fear of retaliation. The school administrator noticed the family members not wearing masks and asked that the little girl put one on. The parents continue citing Governor Abbott’s ban on mask mandates. At this point, the school official bends down and directly addresses the second grader.
[01:44:52] News clip
Good morning. We’re really excited to have you here today. So if want to come on in, you can come on in and then when you come on in we do have masks that we can provide.
[01:45:00] News clip
The back and forth continues.
[01:45:04] News clip
We are not wearing a mask.
[01:45:05] News clip
So you have that option, but any student that comes into our campus is required to wear a mask.
[01:45:09] News clip
Not according to the governor. This is the law. [inaudible]
[01:45:17] News clip
We’re here to welcome our students in and celebrate our first day.
[01:45:20] News clip
But if you’re not going to welcome her in without a mask.
[01:45:22] News clip
We are welcoming her in, but we’re going to give her a mask when she comes in because that is policy.
[01:45:28] Del
Well, it’s unbelievable and sort of you see this guy incapable of having a conversation with the adult there and then trying to even brainwash your child in front of your parents. And I want you to imagine how much is this going on. How much are our teachers and the faculties at schools and the amount of pressure being put on them. And they’re watching whatever news stations that are lying to them. But what are they doing to our kids? I mean, are they dividing our children against us? As we send them in that door, what happens out in the world and the politics of the world are not supposed to be a part of their education. And you would hope that what they’re doing is supporting your relationship with your child, since that is the most important relationship in the growth of a child moving into adulthood. Are they undermining us behind those doors? Are they talking to our kids? That’s something that I think is very concerning. We’re getting a lot of reports around the country when it comes to those types of conversations. When we look in Washington, D.C. at the law that is going to force vaccine or go in and have a vaccine conversation that you’re not in. I think it was at the age of nine and older, or was it 12, 12 and older, but also other states looking at this. A 12 year old being pressured by adults saying your parents are wrong about the choices they’ve made, sort of browbeating them into submission. Those are the types of things that were on my mind as I was invited to an event in Georgia, a healthy immune families event. And I’ve been very busy. I also have been doing a lot of traveling. But this event really mattered to me because I have spent the last, over I think four or five years traveling the country, talking to adults. But when it came to talking to children, I hadn’t done that yet. And I hadn’t really spoken to the families. And as I was thinking about what am I going to say to a child whose teacher may be telling them, your parents don’t know what they’re talking about, your parents are stupid, stop listening to them. Literally, there’s legislation trying to make that happen. And so I said, you know what, I’m not going to miss that event for anything in the world, so I brought my whole family along. It was incredible. And here is just a taste of what that entire day was like.
[01:47:43] Del
I think that you’re ready to go. We are going to go to a big event today. We’re on our way to Georgia, got the whole family in tow, heading to the back to school immune healthy kids party. Had a really very early morning wake up to get the kids up, extremely sleepy, a little bit grumpy. But we made it. Very excited to see all these beautiful, healthy immune families. Children on the way. Here we come. This seems like such an important time for children to have an event, to talk to their peers and also maybe do some role playing on how to answer questions if your teachers are pressuring you for information that’s really none of their business. So I’m really excited for this event. And how about you guys?
[01:48:40] Del’s family
I mean, it’s a great idea for people to get together to know that they’re not alone.
[01:48:46] Del’s family
We have a great opportunity to enjoy the air, the God given air that we have here to breathe and celebrate each other.
[01:48:57] Del
Are you guys ready? Let’s get out.
[01:49:14] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
Today, we’re out here in Ball Ground, Georgia and we’re literally having an awesome time. As you can see from behind me, we have pony rides, we have sun flower planting, games for the kids. I wanted to provide some community and education within our area because my kids started asking me about, like, mom, so what’s the deal with the vaccine? I thought if my kids have questions, there has to be others that have questions.
[01:49:42] Del
All these children, smiling, faces, natural health in a natural environment. We’re riding ponies and talking about the truth. I heard that at this exact same time today down in the city, they were having an event where they were vaccinating children going into school and celebrating their school day with vaccinations. Just to think of that juxtaposition of how we’re all seeing this so differently.
[01:50:06] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
Everybody’s telling our kids that they’re super spreaders. They are the ones that are getting their grandparents sick. And we really just need to change that because kids are not super spreaders. They’re super healthy. They don’t want them going back to school in fear. I wanted to give the kids the tool to not feel guilted or ashamed because those decisions really come from their family and they should be proud of that.
[01:50:34] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
This group of kids over here. Can you hold up your signs? So thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for being our voice and thank you for saying yes.
[01:50:46] Del
Let me just take this in for a second, because it’s a little bit different to see all of the children out the way they are today, and that’s what really drew me in to this experience. It’s hard to imagine as I drove up how I could think about talking to kids and teenagers and what would I say to you? Because I’m so used to talking about adults and getting really intense about what we need to do to try and fight for freedom. But, I think the best I can do is really remember when I was a kid, and I think it’s why I find myself standing here on this microphone talking to you is because of my parents and the decisions that my parents made to not vaccinate me and to make different choices for me. I remember I was in third grade and one day I went off to school and I remember I was wearing this T-shirt that I had made in art class over the last few days. And so I put it on proudly and I walked off to school with my sister. And then at lunchtime I came home and walked into the house and my mom saw us and she said, Del what happened to the shirt you were wearing, the dyed shirt you were wearing. And I said, Oh, well, when I got to school, Craig said, it looks stupid. And so he lives right next door to the school, so I just ran over to his house and I borrowed his T-shirt. And I remember this look on my mom’s face, I couldn’t quite describe. And all I remember is my mom pulled us out of school immediately and she sat me down and she sat my sister down and she said, I will never raise children that care what other people think. I want children that listen to their own intuition, that trust their own guidance and walk their path to the things that they want. I want to say to the kids out there, because I’m sure your parents have probably done something crazy like that at some point, and I wasn’t happy about it. That was saying goodbye, at least all the friends I had. And it didn’t make a lot of sense at the time. But as I was homeschooling and as I was spending that time with my parents, they just kept telling me over and over again, you must always, always question authority because there’s really only one true authority over you, and that’s God. It didn’t mean don’t listen to your teachers or don’t listen to adults, but if it goes against who you think you are, not only was I allowed to say no, my parents said you must say no. I was lucky enough to have parents that taught me how to pray, taught me how to listen, taught me how to turn inside so that I would see those signals and those miracles in those moments that were guiding me to my destiny. There is a world out there of your peers, of friends, of politicians that are trying to convince you and your parents that the way we think, that T-shirt that we love, we shouldn’t be wearing it and we shouldn’t be living like that. Your parents are standing up right now in a way that only heroes throughout our history books have stood up before.
[01:54:44] Del
Do you have friends that wear masks when you don’t?
[01:54:49] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
I do.
[01:54:50] Del
What’s that like? Do they get mad or do they not care?
[01:55:00] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
Me and my brother had to move schools because we were sick and tired of being online.
[01:55:02] Del
So you moved schools?
[01:55:11] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
And my friends keep saying why?
[01:55:12] Del
What do you say when they ask you why?
[01:55:17] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
I say because of the masks.
[01:55:19] Del
At your age, you should understand one thing, this air we breathe. Guess what? It’s the same air I breathed my whole life. And guess what? My parents breathe this air to and before them, their parents, my grandparents and my great great grandparents, my great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents all breathe this air. And they never hid from it. They never had to wear a mask because there’s nothing about this air that’s bad for you. There will be really weird people out there that will say that somehow there’s things in that air that are dangerous. And if anybody tries to ask you questions that you don’t understand, like things about your health or why aren’t you wearing a mask or did you get a certain shot, you just say, you know what? Ask my parents. They handle all of that for me. That’s all I want you to do. I want to know have you gotten a vaccine? What do you say? Ask my parents. Let’s do that again. What do you say? Ask my parents. That’s it. As long as you do that, you guys are going to do really, really well and grow up to be superheroes, I promise. Exactly. Ask your parents.
[01:56:57] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
Truly, the purpose of this event is to educate our kids, empower them, because every child’s body is different. Some kids have allergies and they have preexisting conditions. And I think it’s important for each family to make that medical decision within their own household.
[01:57:12] Del
There is no reason your medical decisions and the medical decisions of your family should be anybody’s business but your own. We have laws about that called HIPAA that protects anyone from asking you the decisions you’ve made about your health. When someone asks you if you want to be really polite, you know what? That’s a conversation you should have with my parents. If you want to be a little bit of a jerk, you can say, you know what, it’s illegal for you to ask me that. And I feel really uncomfortable and I might have to call my parents’ lawyer if you continue this line of questioning. Try to focus on the things that still matter, your sports, your education. Try not to get in this conversation. But when it happens, please know that the fact that you’re here means your parents have done something incredibly special with you. God is pumping through your veins. Keep it that way. You will inherit and be a part of rebuilding the greatest generation of humanity that ever lived. Train yourself for that and then own it when this earth is yours. Take care.
[01:58:32] Del
That was a truly special event, and I hope it sets a precedent around the country and around the world of the type of events that need to be happening. I want to give a shout out to Danielle Denlein that really made that happen. I’m sure there’s a whole team of people around her. I don’t have all of your names, but thank you for the work that you did there. If you noticed that one of the conversations I was having with Danielle before we got out there is, there’s a real legitimate concern of the faces of these children being seen, that they might be subject to ridicule or even worse, their parents could be visited because of the values and the discussions that we were having. Can you believe that? Can you believe that we live…this is the United States of America. And I have to blur out a family event because of the concern that these children or their families may be attacked potentially by government officials here in the United States of America. That’s the reality we live in. And there’s no shaking that. And so, one of the things that, next week and I’ve said it all week, we see Biden right now. The Biden administration is talking about booster shots. Here’s the headlines right now, Biden administration to begin rolling out booster shots the week of September 20th. We’re also hearing promise that next week he is going to bring a federal power battle against governors that are opposing federal mandates with masks and perhaps vaccines. So this thing is really coming to a head. But I want to tell you, next week, that booster shot, there’s a lot more to that than the fact that they’re just saying, oh, we want everyone to take a third shot. We’re going to dive deep. This is a show we’ve been working on for a couple of weeks now, but it’s all coming together. And I think the reality of what that says is so much more shocking and so much more damning than anyone realizes. We’re going to be bringing you some new evidence and some new science, I think that it’s going to absolutely blow your mind. It should kill this push in this thing dead. All of that next Thursday. So if you have family members out there or friends that are considering the vaccine, tell them to hold off for seven more days, hold off for seven more days. Take a look at next week’s The HighWire. And then if that inspires you to still go out and get the vaccine, do it then. What’s going to happen in a week? That’s all I can say right now.
[02:00:54] Del
But as we close out this show about our families, I want you to recognize, one of the things I said to the parents when I had them aside at that event, we must all now recognize the truth of the world that we live in. This is not a game anymore. This is not a question of, well, is this just going to pass by? And I was speaking to a room full of parents just in Florida over the weekend. And there were so many fathers out there. And I was saying, I know a lot of you guys, your wives made this decision about vaccination and you just left it to them. You said I got to be the breadwinner or maybe there’s a mom that had to be the breadwinner. I don’t want to be sexist or get in any of those conversations here. But the truth is, is usually one of us was doing the investigation, the science and the other one was like, you know, let me just stay focused on the things that matter. And we thought it would go away. We thought that that spouse was just involved in something and they were going to be able to take care of it. It’s now upon all of us. They are coming after all of us. They’re coming after all of our children.
[02:01:51] Del
And so as you decide how you’re going to move forward with your children, first of all, definitely remember to take those moments. I have to do that with myself to remind myself how beautiful my family is. My wife Lee, my son Ever, and Thea who we did not blur. They are part of this journey with me. I want to thank you guys for being brave and standing with me as we represent to the world what we believe in. I couldn’t do this without my family and I know for all of you you couldn’t do it without your family. And let’s be very careful about how we decide to move forward. And I want to say this. Many of those families up there in Georgia, were home school families. I can’t say this enough. If you think that your school is against you, then sending your child in, even if you think that the mask mandate may be away, what are their teachers teaching them? What are they saying about you? Are you going to subject your children to that? These are extraordinary times. I don’t think they’re going to last very long. So how do we survive this short period of time? Maybe you’re going to have to do something drastic. Maybe you’re going to have to cancel the trip to Greece next week, which I’m sure the administration, the government’s probably going to take away from you anyway and put that funding into hiring a teacher or getting with some families and putting together a homeschool co-op. So many people in Texas and around the nation doing that. We’re going to have to be creative. We’re going to have to go that extra mile. We’re going to have to get on the school boards, run for election, maybe run at Texans for Vaccine Choice or join one. Or at least go to these rallies and step up and represent. Let Whole Foods see how many people they will lose if they decide to force us to wear masks in their stores. It’s not just about our governors, it’s not just about our school boards. Everyone in the nation needs to see us. And by the way, if you want to live like an anti-vaxxer, then don’t get a vaccine. If you want to be in the column of the unvaccinated that are not filling up hospitals, then don’t get a vaccine. And by the way, for the CDC, we’re on you. Don’t take your sick and dying from the vaccine that are still getting Covid and put them in our column. We are the healthy, organic food eating, clear water drinking, fresh air breathing citizens of the United States of America. We are here to stay. This is our time. And that’s right. We are not going to budge. I’ll see you next week. All you beautiful families, have an awesome week. And welcome back to school. Take care.
Episode Transcript
[00:00:03] Highwire ad
Did you notice that this show doesn’t have any commercials, I’m not selling you diapers or vitamins or smoothies or gasoline. That’s because I don’t want corporate sponsors telling us what to investigate and what to say. Instead, you’re our sponsors. This is a production by our nonprofit, the Informed Consent Action Network. If you want more investigations, more hard-hitting news, if you want the truth, go to Icandecide.org and donate now.
[00:00:48] Del
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you are out there in the world, it’s time to step out onto the HighWire. You know, every once in a while, when you’re scrolling through YouTube or something, you see somebody that says something so perfectly. It’s like they’re out of an Aaron Sorkin television show. Every word is exactly right. You think, man, I wish I could say it just like that. Check out this video.
[00:01:14] Matt Walsh
Hi, my name is Matt Walsh. I’m a community member in Nashville and a father of 4. You and the school board have decided that our kids should go to school all day, every day wearing muzzles like rabid dogs. I have listened to your arguments and I’ve noticed that they’re missing a few things, namely evidence, data, science, common sense and basic human decency. You’ve presented no facts at all. So let me do that now. Here they are. Covid poses almost no risk to our kids at all. Four point two million children have tested positive for Covid, a total of .008 percent of them have died. What about the flu? The CDC estimates that four hundred and eighty kids died from the flu in the 2018-2019 season. That’s more than have died from Covid in a year and a half. Now, did anyone on this board suggest at any point that year that kids wear masks? Did anyone in this room suggest that at any point anyone wear masks for flu, which again, is more dangerous to kids than Covid? That’s a fact. Now, do you know what it’s called when you force your children to wear masks for fear of a virus that poses almost no threat to them? It’s called child abuse. You want to look up a disease, look up Munchausen by Proxy, because that’s what this is. If you think I’m exaggerating, then how would you respond to a parent who forced his kid to wear a football helmet every day, all day for fear of falling coconuts and meteors. Your kid is almost as likely to die of Covid as he is from a rock from the sky. And yet, if you saw that, you would say to that parent that he is abusive, that he is forcing his kid to participate in this utterly insane charade in order to satisfy his delusional, psychotic hypochondria. Now, do any of you know what sort of psychological damage we do to children by forcing them to cover their faces, teaching them that the air is toxic, that everyone around them is sick? Have you wondered about the health effects of forcing kids to breathe through sweat and spit and dirt soaked rags every single day? What about learning to read? And they can’t see the teacher annunciating the words? What does it do to a child’s developing immune system if he has to wear a mask all day, every day. You’re satisfied to place this burden on children anyway and why? It’s not to keep them safe. They are safe. It’s not to keep the adults safe. They can all get vaccinated if they want. No, you do it to make yourselves feel better and to protect yourselves politically. The child’s mask is a symbolic security blanket for you, not them. It’s a disgrace and you should all be ashamed. Thank you for your time.
[00:03:34] Del
And that’s our show. I’ll see you next week. [laughing] That was Matt Walsh, who is a very popular blogger, the host of The Matt Walsh Show, and I think he’s a contributor on The Daily Wire. Absolutely hit it out of the park. And it’s a great way to start out today’s show because we are going to cover almost every one of those details that he talked about except for falling coconuts. But if you want to get into the details of the discussions that are happening in school boards all around this nation and probably around the world, we’re going to talk about that today, because it’s all about the kids. I got a huge show. I got Jackie Schlegel joining me from Texans for Vaccine Choice, who’s been battling on the front lines for years, making a lot of headway here in Texas. We’re going to talk about what she’s doing in an upcoming event. And then I have Dr. Stefani Reinold joining me. She’s been on the show before. Before she was only just a psychiatrist and a health expert and a mother, but now she’s on a school board. So we’re going to get a look into what’s happening behind those closed doors when we’re not there. What are the discussions? What is the knowledge base? I’m really looking forward to that conversation. But first, you know, when we think about the health of our children and ourselves, there’s a topic that we’ve been wanting to get into for a long time. So many of you have been writing in about 5G and questions about 5G and how healthy is it. How safe is it? And frankly, I just kind of want to ask you, I mean, I don’t know what you’re worried about. You don’t want this?
[00:05:21] 5G commercial
We’re ready. Oh, yeah. Been looking forward to this. Modulating frequencies now. It’s time, let’s light it up. Are you ready, Neville? Pre check. Check. Check, OK, Neville, in T minus three two one, ready to launch, hit the button. Here we go. It’s working. OK. Nationwide 5G is live. Yeah, yeah, and we’re just getting started. And wait until they see what’s next.
[00:06:37] Del
It’s amazing, isn’t it, when you watch that commercial to think that some people actually watch that and think that’s a great thing while the rest of us think it is just like launching a nuclear weapon on this planet. Well, when it comes to this conversation of 5G, many of us wonder what is the safety for our children? And there’s been a landmark case brought by Children’s Health Defense that has just won. And so it is my honor and pleasure to bring in my good friend Robert Kennedy Jr. Amazing that, first of all, is that commercial outrageous? If I wrote a commercial to try to scare people, I would have made it look just like that and to think ad departments thought this would be a really positive vibe to put on our roll out of 5G.
[00:07:23] Robert Kennedy Jr.
Yeah, you wonder if it’s ironic because I mean, basically what the court case, what the Court of Appeals said after years of litigation, CHD brought this case, Washington Court of Appeal challenging the law, the 1996 guidance by FCC that they have refused to change said that wireless is safe unless it actually raised the temperatures of your internal organs. So anything short of actually microwaving you is safe. And now we know that there’s literally tens of thousands of papers out there that say microwave, long before it starts cooking you, long before your temperature rises, it is doing profound damage to your DNA, to your cell system, to your blood brain barrier. It’s causing all kinds of horrendous impacts in children and adults, neuro-developmental problems, autoimmune problems, all kinds of problems. And the FCC for many years, which is a classic captive agency, has been saying everything’s OK, this is safe. And this build out of 5G that we’ve been watching for the past three or four years, particularly since Covid started, is all premised on this idea that it’s safe and now that the Court of Appeals has said nobody’s ever actually investigated. This is a huge global experiment. Well, the Russians don’t let this happen because the Russians actually did the original research on 5G. They knew it was a weapon and they knew it could harm people. And their levels of radiation are one one thousandth of what we eat. What they allow in Russia is one one thousandth of what we allow in this country. And we’re killing the animals, we’re killing the bees, we’re killing the plants, we’re killing the birds. And we’re destroying our children with 5G.
[00:09:29] Robert Kennedy Jr.
I love that ad because these are the ads…it’s a really interesting exploration, as you point out, in human psychology, because that ad if you watch it and you’re the least bit credulous, you’re going to say, oh, this is so great, this is happening and this is progress and my life is going to change. Everything is going to get better with this glossy, slick commercial. And then you start thinking about it and you say, how is my life going to get better? Am I going to be able to download my video game ten seconds faster? The truth is that there’s nothing about this rollout that is intended to improve the quality of human life. The entire purpose of this rollout is to allow government and industry to harvest our data and to surveil us. As you know, for many years they’ve been able to spy on you in your own home. People think that Alexa works with them. It doesn’t. Alexa works for Apple, works for Bill Gates, works for Microsoft. It works for all the companies that are harvesting our data. We are in the middle of the Wild West. The same kind of gold rush that happened during the early days of the oil industry is now happening with data, but the oil, the wealth is in data and they’re taking it for free. And Alexa is sitting in your home listening to you cough, listening to you sniffle, listening to you sneeze, listening to you talk to your wife and saying we need a new mattress. And then having somebody market one to you, talking about positions that you like, figuring out what advertisements are effective against you, figuring out how to attack you with marketing. The problem was with the industry, they were getting all of these gigabytes of data, but they had no way to transport it and no way to process it. Now you have Bill Gates building an analytic center, an entire city in Arizona, 60,000 people in it. Their only job is to analyze this data, monetize it and sell it back to companies that can use it to attack you, to get you to buy their stuff.
[00:11:56] Robert Kennedy Jr.
And so all of it, the lines, the 5G is really designed to allow them to steal your data and transport it and also create artificial intelligence to get rid of human jobs. 40 percent of the jobs in our country involve driving. This will allow them to do driverless vehicles and get rid of 40 percent of the jobs in America. And this is what this is about. It’s about being able to follow you 24 hours a day, use a facial recognition capacity that they already have to follow you on your cell phone with your GPS and follow you in your automobile with your Apple watch, to know where you are. As they digitalize the currency to track and trace and tax every single transaction that you do and then to control you, so that if you do something wrong, now we have digitalized currency and they don’t need to try you in court or anything, they could just cut you off. If you don’t take your vaccine, they know it and they are able to punish you by cutting off your money supply and starve you to death. And so this is really an instrument of total control of our society. And the only way they’ve been able to get it through this far was by lying about its safety. And what our lawsuit has done is that the courts do not believe that the safety has been proven. The FCC never did its job. Now you have to go out and do this, and this is going to be very, very disruptive to this industry.
[00:13:42] Del
What is the future after a case like this? I mean, is there any, you and I, we’ve had cases together when it comes to Health and Human Services, the CDC. You’re sort of jumping into a whole new regulatory agency when we talk about the FCC. But all the same type of plays, right? All the same type of lies and obfuscation. But where does this case take us? Does this mean, are we going to be able to force the FCC to look at all these mountains of data, talking about the dangers, especially to our children. I think about these different stories we’ve heard that have even been reported in the news of 5G near a school, children having higher rates of cancer and things like that. Is the FCC going to have to reevaluate this? Does the public have any involvement or are we still just going to be outside a room hoping that these cronies that are all working together somehow do the right thing?
[00:14:38] Robert Kennedy Jr.
Oh, you’re exactly right Del. What this is going to do, you know ultimately, almost certainly, is it’s going to force the FCC to go through true notice and comment rule making. And what does that mean? It means that they propose a rule and they have to publish their proposed rule. So their proposed guidance about what are the levels of radiation that we can subject humans to in their homes and in their cars and walking down the street. What are the safe levels? In order to do that, they’re going to have to do an environmental impact statement to support that rule that outlines all the science that they rely on. And they’re required to have a public comment period that’s usually about 90 days. And in that, the public responds and says, wait a minute, you ignored this study, you ignored this study, you ignored people like me, like police officers who are in their automobiles all day with all this electronic just baking them, baking their brains and first responders. And that rule does not protect police officers. It doesn’t protect first responders. It doesn’t protect linemen who work in electric facilities. And all those comments legally have to be responded to by the agency. Then you have a public hearing, which is an adjudicatory hearing, where the agency comes in and tries to defend its law. And it brings in the scientists who wrote those studies or who rely on them and they have to explain all of the basis of why they believe that new law will work.And we come with our witnesses and our science and we say, no, you haven’t responded to that. The study that you relied on is a study that’s been totally discredited. In fact, it’s been debunked. And we get to argue in front of the judge. The judge that makes a written opinion, that weighs all the evidence and discusses all the evidence and tells why some of itis valid and some of it isn’t and he must make a decision, he or she, that is not arbitrary and capricious, that is based upon a rational interpretation of the evidence that was presented. And if it is arbitrary and capricious, we can then sue again and appeal that decision. So, yes, that’s exactly what democracy is supposed to do. It’s supposed to, you know… listen, when Congress passes a law, they vote on it, they argue on it, and then they can pass it. TheSenate then passes it and the president signs it and it becomes a law. But a regulation is different. The courts assume that when Congress passes the law that Congress has been voted in there, and if you don’t like the law, you can vote them out. The regulatory agency, people like Tony Fauci are there for 50 years. You can’t get rid of them. And so the courts say if they want to pass a regulation, it has to go through a public process and it has to have a tremendous amount of public involvement, direct public involvement. So everybody who’s affected gets a day in court essentially, and there’s a specific process that they have to go through. And they did not go through it in this case. What they did is illegal. And that’s what the court said. This is an illegal law. There are many, many contracts that these telecom companies signed with municipalities like Los Angeles around the country or Austin or where you are where they went in and they told this to the city council. The city council says is what you’re doing safe? And they’ve said, yeah, the FDA says it’s safe. By the way, the FDA is part of this lawsuit. The FDA said it was safe and the FCC said it was safe and the court mentioned the FDA and the dereliction of the FDA and that they’re a captive agency, it’s not just the pharmaceutical companies, but to the telecom companies and those agencies have said it’s safe. And now they never looked at the evidence. And so those recommendations that those telecom companies made to your local municipality was based on a lie. What happens now? We don’t know. That law, a finding by the FCC, the function of that finding was that this activity is officially safe. Therefore, no matter how badly harmed you are by them, you cannot sue them. And that is the repercussions of that law. Well, now the court has said there was no proof that it’s safe, but does that mean that people who are harmed can now go out and sue them? It’s going to be the wild, wild west. We don’t really know what’s going to happen because the build out took place and it’s all constructed on a lie.
[00:19:59] Del
Wow, Bobby, I mean, that’s huge. We were talking with you years ago about this. I knew that you were getting deep into this. And it’s one of those things just to know that Children’s Health Defense is out there and that you’re diversified the way you are. So often we talk about vaccines and the other issues, but obviously you’ve done such great work throughout your career in both cleaning up rivers and the air, but now looking at 5G, something that is so critical. Let me just ask you a question, because I’m just sort of starting to dip my toes in it. I have a sense of what we’re talking about when we talk about 5G, but are you anti 5G or is there a way to have 5G that would be safe? I mean, you’ve been looking at a lot more documents than I have. Is there a way forward into our future that maybe doesn’t cook us or sort of give us these bad effects? Can we modernize, use 5G in a safer way like Russia, or do you just think this is something we going to recognize we have to scrap?
[00:20:58] Robert Kennedy Jr.
There are safe ways todo it, but the industry had no incentive to do it safely because the regulatory agency set the bar so low. And it’s the same thing with vaccines. If you have a regulatory agency that says, just do whatever you want, we’re not going to ever look at safety, the industry is, it’s going be a race to bottom. They’re going to give you the least safe vaccines because they’re the cheapest to make and they’re not going to hire anybody to do safety, which is exactly what they do. They don’t have to do the clinical trials or anything else. As you know, Covid trials are the first trials in history, pre clinical trials of vaccines that ever used the placebo. And short and shoddy and all this, but at least they used the placebo. There’s no other vaccine that has that. And because of that, the safety profiles of those products are completely irrelevant. The industry, they don’t care how many people they kill or injure, maim or give chronic disease to. And that’s why, I’m not anti-vaccine. It’s possible that you can have a vaccine that actually prevents more injury than it causes. Do we have that today? Nobody knows. And what we need for vaccines and 5G is we need really robust science, we need independent regulators, and we need really well-designed safety science to make sure that we’re getting the safest possible product that we can. And nobody has a right to put something toxic on an antenna next door to me, if my children are radiation sensitive. And there are many, many people that are supersensitive to EMFs, it literally destroys their lives. And a house next to me ought to have to obtain a permit where everybody in the neighborhood can come and say, wait a minute, you can’t put it there because my life’s going to be disrupted. Unfortunately, right now your neighbor can put one of those antennas up, get huge amounts of money from telecom and not even notify you that they’ve done it.
[00:23:13] Del
Well, it’s good to know you’re out there, man, I mean, you’ve been fighting for so long. I want to just congratulate Children’s Health Defense. Please let your team know how thankful we are over here at Informed Consent Action Network and the HighWire. I know what it takes the team behind us to make these things happen. Truly a huge victory and one that I know we’ve all been watching for
some time. So hopefully, we’ll see as this transpires, maybe we can actually get real science and maybe get all these regulatory agencies as they sort of fail the public. I think it’s becoming more and more obvious that maybe we can get the voting public to stand up and start demanding more through the politicians that are effectively putting these regulatory agencies and giving them their goals. So it’s an incredible win. And just going to keep my prayers around. But keep us posted. If there’s anything we can do to help or our audience can do, certainly let us know. But congratulations. It’s really a day for celebration, for sure.
[00:24:17] Robert Kennedy Jr.
And Del, thank you for everything that you do and that ICAN does. We wouldn’t have been able to do half of the victories that we won, our victories that we won because of the work and the partnership with you. And my personal friendship with you is something I really treasure. So thanks for everything that you do Del.
[00:24:38] Del
All right. Keep up the good work, Bobby. I’ll talk to you soon. All right, well, what an amazing start. Victories everywhere in so many different walks of life. We’re talking about our children, though. We’re talking about their safety. We’re talking about going back to school. Does anyone in our government care about their health and their actual mental health, their safety? To get to the bottom of that, it’s time for the Jaxen report.
[00:25:12] Del
All right, Jefferey, I know I tied your hands behind your back. You’ve been handcuffed and said we’re just going to cover stuff about kids because there’s so many other stories out there. But there’s also plenty to talk about when it comes to our children, their health in this crazy, pandemic driven world. So what do you got for us today?
[00:25:30] Jefferey Jaxen
You bet, thanks, Del. So parents have questions. They’ve called into the show, they’ve talked to you. I know you’ve went into the communities and are talking to parents as well. And they have questions about their kids which are going back to school here in the U.S. really shortly. And the media and public health officials have really created a frenzied atmosphere around the Delta variant with their reporting. And this is what it looks like. Take a look at this.
[00:25:55] News clip
Just as parents are preparing to send kids back to school. More than nineteen hundred kids are currently hospitalized with the coronavirus.
[00:26:03] News clip
Children who early on were thought to be virtually immune to Covid are filling up hospitals from coast to coast.
[00:26:09] News clip
Children are less likely to get Covid, but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to get it and they’re not going to get sick and they’re not going to die from it.
[00:26:16] News clip
This Delta variant that we’re seeing now changes the game.
[00:26:19] News clip
So we’re seeing kids come in with respiratory illnesses, cough, shortness of breath, needing supplemental oxygen on our respiratory floor.
[00:26:27] News clip
Children are more ill. They require higher levels of care. And sadly, I think we’re going to be seeing more deaths over the coming weeks.
[00:26:34] News clip
The only population in the United States today that is 100 percent unvaccinated is children under the age of 12 years. So as responsible adults and as a society, we’ve got to use a layered approach and actually cocoon them to keep them safe.
[00:26:51] News clip
We don’t know the long term impacts. Kids are getting long haul Covid and so we just don’t know what this means for them down the road.
[00:26:59] Tony Fauci
If you want to keep them in school, you really got to do whatever you can to keep them safe. The first thing you do is that you surround them with people who are vaccinated.
[00:27:09] News clip
We can’t risk children’s lives today because they’re going to be having the impacts the rest of their lives.
[00:27:17] Del
I mean, just watching that Jefferey, obviously this show is not about the effectiveness of the vaccine, but this whole idea of cocooning and protecting them by vaccinating yourself and all of these things, it’s like they can’t get rid of the old playbook even though the game has completely changed. You got a vaccine that doesn’t stop infection, doesn’t stop transmission, is now responsible for the serious cases in hospitals all around the world. But that is not today’s show. Today’s show is about these poor kids that are hanging in the balance and these parents, I mean, they’re terrified. If you watch that news, it’s like chicken little and the sky is falling. You’re under the impression that all these…I love that line, well it’s true that it’s much more rare for children to be ill or sick, but that doesn’t mean they can’t die. What an outrageous statement. So today we really wanted to drill in on how big a risk is this? I mean, we’re getting calls right, from our own side. We’re hearing the unvaccinated are involved. What are the numbers when we really break it down?
[00:28:18] Jefferey Jaxen
Right, and so yeah, let’s drill down in this, give parents hopefully a better picture, maybe some further data, more accurate data to give them a better idea on how they move forward. So really quick, the Delta variant, it actually showed up in December 2020 in India, that was the India variant. They changed it to the Delta variant. By the middle of June, it was about a third of all cases in the U.S. By the end of July this year, it was about over 90 percent of the cases, according to the CDC. So let’s take a look at some of the CDC’s numbers for kids during the entire pandemic. And this is the headline [REF] here, it says CDC: 335 children ages 17 and under have died of Covid in the U.S. during the pandemic. Now, this was at the end of July when the Delta variant was really at its max. And it says here in the article, since the start of the pandemic 18 months ago, in January 2020, a total of 335 children ages 17 and under have died of Covid-19, according to the Federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention. In that same 18 month time period, a total of forty nine thousand seven hundred and twenty five children ages zero to 17 have died from all causes. So Covid deaths account for .673. That’s 0.673 percent of all deaths among children under 17. So that should give…just to start this segment out, that should give people kind of a framework of what we’re working with here. But don’t just listen to me…
[00:29:44] Del
Let’s be clear before we go forward, Jefferey. If you really are terrified for your child’s safety burn their skateboards, get rid of their bicycles, don’t ever let them walk down the street. I mean, .67, the panic that people…and it’s not their fault, right? Really they should be blaming the parents, but this is what the media should be telling you to do, right? Just go ahead and put a one foot pillow inside of your children’s bedroom because that’s how you’re going to have to raise them if we’re going to start worrying about issues that affect them at a .67 rate. Absolutely outrageous.
[00:30:19] Jefferey Jaxen
Right, right, yeah, and in that cancers, suicides, even driving in a car, very risky for children, for anybody, for that matter. So really put that into perspective. Very, very good that you did that. But again, let’s not listen to us. This is Dr. Marty Makary. He’s a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. And here’s what he had to say about those numbers.
[00:30:43] Tony Perkins
Your research team looked into approximately 48,000 children under the age of 18 that had been diagnosed with Covid. Share with us what your information, what you uncovered as you looked at the evidence.
[00:31:00] Dr. Marty Makary
Yes, so we looked at 48,000 Covid cases in healthy kids and no healthy kid died. No healthy kid died of Covid. The mortality rate was zero among healthy kids. And that’s what we need the CDC to be doing with that number of 335 deaths in kids under 18. Tell us how many healthy kids died, because that makes a big difference. When it comes to kids, we’ve imposed a tremendous amount of restrictions on kids for the last year and a half based on one number. And that number is three hundred and thirty five Covid deaths in kids under 18 during the entire pandemic. Now, I’m not downplaying that number, but has the CDC ever called the families and those doctors who took care of those kids and asked if Covid actually caused the illness? They have not. Have they risk stratified? In other words, do what we do in public health, and that is figure out what percent of those kids had a co-morbid condition and how many of them were healthy because we’re making recommendations for healthy kids based on data that may be clustered around those with co-morbid conditions. They’ve not done that either. So they’ve got very sloppy data by which they’re making these decisions. By the way, five hundred kids die of the common cold RSV virus each year.
[00:32:15] Del
All really good points, and it makes me think how we’re all being…we’re not allowed to have the conversation we want to have, right? What is health? I mean, we talk about the kids that are dying, what are their co-morbidities? I mean, I just saw a headline the other day, I think, 78 percent of deaths in America of all ages involved obesity. Diabetes is playing a huge part of this. And yet, it’s like we’re not even allowed to discuss that. We live in a world now where it’s not P.C. to talk about your health status except for your vaccine status. I mean, we can drill down. We can make you carry a passport. We can shame you. We can make you use a different water fountain if you’re not vaccinated and drinking nothing but pure water at home and eating organic food. And your parents are making you hike and exercise and ride your bike, but we can shame those people. But if you live on a diet of McDonalds, Doritos, Coca-Cola, your kids are suffering and have all sorts of other co-morbidities that are putting them in harm’s way, we’re not even allowed to discuss that. And the CDC is taking part in that. They’re not even going to let you know, as it turns out, as we just heard, healthy kids don’t die from Covid.
[00:33:22] Jefferey Jaxen
Right. Around 48,000 they tracked and in healthy kids, there were zero cases. That’s what he said. Just to repeat, that’s a very important figure. Now, let’s drill down to specific states. Just a few. I’ve just pulled a couple. Anybody can do this. Any parent can do this. It’s very accessible information. But let’s take a look at Florida first. This is from the Florida Department of Health. [REF] And this is their Covid cases. And if you see here, there’s a little highlighted section there. It says under 16, 10 deaths out of 312,934 cases. And that brings the mortality rate per 100,000 to point three. Very, very small. So Florida and just to put this in there too, each state has a different definition for a child or children, sometimes it’s zero to 16, zero to 19, sometimes even up to 24 years old. So the figures can get skewed also like that, just as a caveat. Now, let’s go to California. Lots of information coming out of California, a lot of restrictions out of California. Here’s their chart from the California Department of Health. [REF] You see here, 5 and under – number of deaths is 7, 5 to 17 – number of deaths is 23. So that’s 30 total since the pandemic started. Now we go to where you’re at in Texas…
[00:34:34] Del
Just look at that column right next to it. It says percent of death zero, right? I mean, it’s such a low number in the masses that we’re talking about. All right. Continue on.
[00:34:44] Jefferey Jaxen
Right. They can’t even carry it past the decimal point to find a significant number there. So now looking at the Texas Health and Human Services numbers. [REF] So we have here 1 and under, there’s 8, ages 1 to 9, there’s 14. That’s at the bottom left there, those little small little slivers and then 10 to 19, there’s 37, so that’s about 50 there and again, since the whole pandemic. Now let’s fast forward into New York. Go right back across the country. New York’s a place, lots of lots of restrictions there as well. We’re being told vaccine passports are being rolled out everywhere to participate in society. We have a little arrow here from their Department of Health. [REF] We have age groups, fatality by age group, 0 to 9 – 16, 10 to 19 is 14. So we have 30 there…
[00:35:38] Del
Again, just look at the zeroes folks.We’re in zero land. This is a zero issue. But you wouldn’t know that if you’re watching MSNBC or FOX or CBS, any of these stations. They are making, they’re literally screaming fire in a crowded room. This is illegal. It’s one of the few parts of speech that’s illegal to make people terrified of, as you know Matt Walsh put so perfectly, coconuts falling from the sky and meteors. I mean, this is insane.
[00:36:07] Jefferey Jaxen
And some of the points that really drove this home for me were in these next slides. This is the American Academy of Pediatrics. [REF] This is their mortality rates for kids and they do state level data reporting for children and Covid-19. This is basically one of the major things they’re doing right now during this pandemic. And this is what they had to say. This is directly from their report, their updated report. It says, “The available data indicate that Covid-19 associated hospitalization and death is uncommon in children. At this time, it appears that severe illness due to Covid-19 is uncommon among children.” Please take this to your school boards. Continuing with the quotes, “mortality, 43 states, New York, Puerto Rico, Guam reported.” That’s 43 states. It’s not all of them. “Among states reporting, children were .00 percent to .25 percent of all Covid-19 deaths, and 7 states reported zero child deaths. In states reporting .00 percent to .03 percent of all child Covid-19 cases resulted in death.” Those are some very, very interesting statistics. And if you don’t believe those headlines, let’s go right to their actual data summary of the mortality in the report here. And if you look to the right, you have two columns, one at the very far right it says percent of child cases resulting in death and the one right next to that says percent children of total deaths. You can see on the far right, the percent of child cases resulting in death has been .01 percent from basically almost the start of 2021 until this most recent report. That has not changed.
[00:37:46] Del
Yeah, where’s the rise? We should be seeing it right there, right? We should be seeing this rise coming into April of the Delta variant. And there’s nothing there. I mean, it is a 0.01 the whole time.
[00:38:02] Jefferey Jaxen
Exactly. If the Delta variant was really that deadly for kids, we should have been seeing some effects there in about mid-June by about June 19th, June 20th by the data from the CDC, because that’s when about a third of reported cases in the U.S. all cases were finding Delta. So we’re not seeing that. We see, with all due respect to that data, this data here, we do see in the percentage children of total deaths, we see it go from .06 percent to .07 percent. So small, small number. But I guess I want to make a note of that. But now let’s go to the summary of hospitalizations, because the question is, well they’re not dying so are they… what’s the hospitalization rate? Is there some hidden number here we should really worry about? Same thing. Far to right columns percent children of total hospitalizations, 2.3 percent. You can see it goes from 2.0 at the bottom. Again, this is in April, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. But again, on the far right, hospitalization rate, we’re seeing .8 percent, .9 percent. It’s not really these astronomical rises. And just for understanding, hospitalization, it basically means being admitted to the hospital, providing treatment of any kind to a person that has been admitted to a hospital, inpatient in the hospital. So we’re talking, when we say hospitalization, this could be a vast array of things from serious to…
[00:39:29] Del
An IV drip, a little saline, maybe a touch of oxygen. I mean, it’s really sobering to see these numbers. And this is why we wanted to do this, because it really comes out of data. I mean, I don’t care what New York Times, Washington Post want to say about the HighWire and spreading misinformation or CNN or MSNBC. But you people are a tragedy when it comes to news. You’re not giving people the data. Do you think they could scare people if they said, you know that the risk of dying is 0.01 percent? You better get on it. I think people be like, wait a minute, that’s ridiculous. But they won’t, right? This is what I’m so frustrated with, with the mainstream media. Give people the facts. It’s been a year and a half. Stop just like bloviating at them with your hypochondria as Matt Walsh puts it. And let’s start seeing some data. We have the data. This isn’t a mystery. Why don’t you let me decide if I think that that’s a high death rate? That’s what we’re doing here on the HighWire, as you know. And for those of you out there that are watching the first time, we call it the HighWire protocol. If you are not on our mailing list then you’re missing the biggest part of what we do, which is on Monday after watching this show, all of this data, all of these graphs are going to be in your hands with hyperlinks on Monday. All you have to do is be a member of a newsletter. You don’t have to give us a red cent if you don’t want to. This is called transparency in news, the HighWire protocol. We’re demanding that especially any news agency that wants to accuse us of spreading misinformation. Why don’t you try using the HighWire protocol and show us your data?
[00:41:06] Jefferey Jaxen
Right, right, and for those who only believe the CDC, who only live and die by the CDC’s data, their latest numbers, as reported yesterday at 5:00 p.m. was the weekly update. [REF] This is what they’re showing for zero to 17 deaths, 361, all deaths involving Covid-19 for zero to 17. So 361, which does not affect the percentage rate that we talked about when we first opened the show of .67 percent. So not really moving the needle there too much. But some interesting points about CDC data. We really rail on that on the show sometimes because some of it is somewhat questionable with the limitations they use for their studies. But very rarely has it been this outright as what happened in Florida recently. So let’s look at some of the headlines to really start this story out. So Florida’s rise, it says Florida’s still breaking records for daily Covid cases; single day high reaches 28,317. [REF] I guess that would be definitely newsworthy. Another one, CDC: Florida hit single day high for Covid cases. [REF] Well, there was a problem there…
[00:42:12] Del
And let’s be clear right. I mean, it’s obvious the administration, the Biden administration wants to beat on Florida, wants to beat on Texas, because these are the governors that are saying, no, I’m sorry, we’re not having it. We’re not masking. We’re not locking down. We’re not going to force vaccinations to get into our restaurants. Go ahead and spin on that. And that’s pissing off the administration who then reaches out to their lackeys at CNN and MSNBC and say, push the fear, focus on Florida, focus on Texas. So what happened with those numbers?
[00:42:42] Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah, the very same people telling us this isn’t about politics and not to politicize this pandemic appear to be doing exactly that. So the Florida Department of Health actually had to reach out and take to Twitter to defend itself. This is what they wrote. They said, wrong again, the number of cases @CDCgov released for Florida today is incorrect. They combined multiple days into one. We anticipate CDC will correct the record. And that was the Florida Department of Health responding to the South Florida Sun Sentinel’s reporting. So here’s the outcome of that. They actually had, the CDC actually did have to adjust that. And the headline, Florida officials slammed CDC over botched coronavirus data. [REF] It says here, “the CDC recorded 28,317 new cases of Covid-19 until the Florida Department of Health noticed that there was nearly double the actual number in its records, which showed about 15,000 cases. The CDC agreed to meet the department in the middle and revise the number to 19,000 after reportedly rolling several days’ worth of numbers into one.” So that’s how we do data these days, I guess at the CDC.
[00:43:49] Del
It’s like a poker game, right? Like, alright, I’m all in. No, I’ll bet you 25 dollars. We’ll up the pot just a little bit. Can we meet halfway? It’s like a negotiation on buying a house or something. It’s crazy.
[00:44:02] Jefferey Jaxen
And since we’re on CDC and data and talking points, people may remember the director, Rochelle Walensky, came out a couple of weeks ago and this talking point, the pandemic, we’re in a pandemic of the unvaccinated. This was repeated over all of the media, is repeated by, I believe, the Biden administration and the White House. Everybody was talking about this. It was the buzzword of the week. Well, this article really breaks it down in a concise way. And I want to pull some quotes from this because it’s pretty powerful. So the article actually, the title says, Will Americans accept no fly list for unvaccinated? [REF] That’s another thing that’s being attempted. And it says in here, “the narrative that we’re in a pandemic of the unvaccinated was created by using statistics from a time period when the U.S as a whole was largely unvaccinated. When you look at more recent data, the trend is swinging in the opposite direction. January 1st, 2021, only .5 percent of the U.S population had received a Covid shot. By mid-April, an estimated 31 percent had received one or more shots and as of June 15th, 48.7 percent were fully vaccinated.” It goes on to say, “the CDC has also pointed out that you are not considered fully vaccinated until two weeks after your second dose (in the case of Pfizer or Moderna), which is given six weeks after your first shot. This means that if you receive your first dose on June 1st, you won’t be fully vaccinated until eight weeks later, around August 1st.” Really wrap your head around that, what that’s saying there. It’s very, very powerful information.
[00:45:43] Del
And so all the data that we’ve been hearing two weeks ago, pandemic of the unvaccinated, is all data that came from, what, between April and June or all the way back in those times, is that what was happening?
[00:45:56] Jefferey Jaxen
Yeah, it appears to be saying basically that they’re quoting people, they were saying people that were unvaccinated were people that have either had one dose or received two dose. But it wasn’t after that, it wasn’t after that two weeks where they considered the antibodies to really kick in. So it seems to be like a statistical word game here that they’re playing. And the data was before really the full explosive roll out of these vaccines in the U.S that basically vaccinate about 50 percent of the people.
[00:46:23] Del
We’re going to start beating on this a little bit more and especially next week. We’ve been working on a really bombshell show that we’ll be talking about. But when we hear about the unvaccinated, I want to say one thing. You better be unvaccinated. It is really uncool to put people that got one shot, got Covid and died into the unvaccinated category. And people that got two shots, but were still inside of their two weeks. You know what? I’m sorry. You’re not unvaccinated. You want that title. You want to join that group, then you don’t get the vaccine at all. And CDC cannot get away with this. I don’t care if you want to call them partially vaccinated, but this is a total lie. If you want to speak out against being unvaccinated, then make sure the people you’re talking to really didn’t get any of your shots. It’s not right. I mean, especially if this product as we think it is, is lowering your immune system, of course, you’re getting Covid more often after that first shot and after the second shot in those sort of early weeks. It’s incredible that those people get lumped with the unvaccinated. And then collecting data before the timeline we’re in. All of this, I mean, it’s just every day we wake up and we’re calling each other Jefferey. I’m like at what point do they just concede this battle? I feel like I’m in a baseball game or my son’s in a baseball game where we’re ahead like thirty to one. At some point you’re just going to have to forfeit this game. We won this. You’re done. You don’t enough players on the team to pull this out at this point.
[00:47:50] Jefferey Jaxen
And one of the big conversations…so the vaccine narrative is really in some poor shape according to the data and like we said, how they’re doing this. But the other narrative that’s being really battle ground zero here at the school boards is the masks, the masks for children, and a lot of this frenzy around the Delta that’s being created by the media for kids and the danger of it for kids is being used as cover to try to mask up the kids again as they’re going to school. And this is Dr. Marty Makary again. He wrote an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal and it was titled The Case Against Masks for Children. [REF] Very interesting. And I just pulled the opening paragraph here because I think people need to check this out. “Do masks reduce Covid transmission in children? Believe it or not, we could find only a single retrospective study on the question and its results were inconclusive. Yet two weeks ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sternly decreed that 56 million U.S. children and adolescents, vaccinated or not, should cover their faces regardless of the prevalence of infection in their community. Authorities in many places took the cue to impose mandates in schools and elsewhere on the theory that masks can’t do any harm.”
[00:48:59] Jefferey Jaxen
And I pulled another chart here. We talk about Israel a lot only because it was one of the first countries to fully vaccinate, to really celebrate that they fully vaccinated their population. They’re on the way to herd immunity. And take a look at this chart here when it comes to masks. There’s a lot going on in this chart. But I want to focus on this far right side and it says on June 15th, mask mandate lifted and then just a couple of days later, mask mandate reinstated. And we see, this is what we’re told to be one of the most successfully vaccinated populations in the world. We see this rise in cases, skyrocketing up, almost matching the peak previous to it. And for people watching the show, they’ll know that previous to it, coincidentally was during the initial vaccine rollout. So make of that what you will, but that’s what coincided with that peak. So here we have, I don’t know, it’s kind of evidence from just a country. And this is from John Hopkins, Johns Hopkins data. So we’re seeing that even in a masked population, fully vaccinated population, we’re seeing a spike in cases. This is daily new cases per million. Now this premise is all about, like Dr. Makary said, that there’s a theoretical benefit for this mask with no risks. But let’s talk about some risks of masking, lockdowns, because this is what we’re facing as a society right now. Going back to lockdowns. And this was an absolutely shocking headline out of Fox News. Babies born during Covid-19 pandemic tied with lower IQ, study suggests. [REF] The study, this was done in Rhode Island. It’s called, if anybody wants to take a look, a deeper look into the study, it’s called Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on early child cognitive development: Initial findings in a longitudinal observational study of child health. [REF] They looked at early learning composite, what’s called verbal development quotients and nonverbal development quotients. It’s basically how your child learns, the thinking skills, the problem solving abilities. They look at 672 healthy children between three months and three years old. And this is what they found, this is what they wrote, across all measures we found cognitive scores were significantly reduced during the pandemic by twenty seven to thirty seven points, or almost two full standard deviations. They concluded, we find that children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre pandemic. Moreover, we find that males and children in lower socio economic families have been most affected. The results highlight that even in the absence of direct SARS-CoV-2 infection in Covid-19 illness, the environmental changes associated with the Covid-19 pandemic is significantly and negatively affecting infant and child development.
[00:51:49] Del
And that is crazy because you try to wrap your head around what’s affecting an infant? And all I think about is those pregnant mothers I see at the store with the mask on. And I think about when I had Ever, my son, wear the mask and we did the CO2 monitor where we saw just these incredibly toxic levels of CO2. And then imagining what is happening to the development of the brains of these babies in utero when mom is not getting the same amount of oxygen as every other mother has since the dawn of man until now. I mean, that’s got to have an effect. And then I’ve been thinking and I feel like this is almost proof from a conversation you and I had months ago, which is what is a world when an infant is born how do you check their IQ? It’s not like they’re doing math or have reading skills. But what it is is what did they learn from facial expression, right? I mean, the baby’s first moments is looking into mom’s eyes, looking at the nurses. Are they smiling? Are they cooing with you? They are getting none of this information. We got clothes on the rest of us. This is what the babies are studying to understand humanity in the world they’ve come into and it’s all being hidden from them. I mean, it seems so obvious how insane this is. We were reporting on forcing mothers to wear a mask while actually giving birth, right? I mean, think back to Lamaze method, breathe deep. Oxygen is all a part of this. And yet we are forcing them to wear a mask. And now we recognize, oh, gee, oh, snap, as it turns out, wasn’t such a good idea, neither in baby’s brain development, but in their cognitive development. What are these children going to be like when they become adults? We have no idea. We have no idea what it’s like to start children out in a world where they never saw a smile or a frown or a look of concern. None of that information are they learning from in their early…the only information they get is now being taken away from them. They’re almost born in bubbles all by themselves. It’s crazy.
[00:53:51] Jefferey Jaxen
And the restrictions aren’t just masks. We’re talking day care centers closed, stay at home orders, work at home orders, which sometimes puts more stress in the families, travel restrictions and masking policies. And we’re being told that the masks, there’s really no downside and it’s just a preemptive thing in case this Delta is…it’s very contagious. But this segment here, I really want to try to drive home. I pull a lot of data. I really want to drive home some of the issues with these restrictions, including masking that’s having on the kids. So when they say there’s no negative benefits of masking, well, you can make an argument here. So let’s go beyond infants. Let’s talk about the youth. This is the headline recently, Youth Depression and anxiety doubled during the pandemic new analysis finds. [REF] We have studies for this stuff. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it writes, depression and anxiety in youth doubled compared to pre-pandemic levels according to the research. One in four adolescents globally are experiencing clinically elevated depression symptoms, while one in five youth are experiencing clinically elevated anxiety symptoms. This is from the study’s author. She says, “Results from this analysis suggests that the pandemic has likely instigated a global mental health crisis in youth,” said study author Sheri Madigan, an associate professor of clinical psychology and Canada research chair in determinants of child development at the University of Calgary.
[00:55:11] Jefferey Jaxen
But that’s not all. It gets worse. And again, this is for the people that want to mask our children. This is directly from the CDC’s data, their Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. [REF] This is the end of June and it’s called emergency department visits for suspected suicide attempts among persons aged 12 to 25 years before and during the pandemic, January 2019 to May 2021, a pretty big time frame there. And it says, “During 2020, the proportion of mental health related emergency department visits among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years increased 31 percent compared with that during 2019.” But listen to this. In May 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic, emergency department visits for suspected suicide attempts began to increase among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, especially girls. During February 21st to March 20th, 2021 suspected suicide attempt emergency department visits were 50.6, that’s five zero point six percent higher among girls age 12 to 17 years than during the same period in 2019. And along with that, we’re being told Australia, who has talked about using and are using what’s called a zero Covid approach, meaning if anybody has Covid, one person, it could be one person, they lock down the whole city. Melbourne just extended their lockdown. This is out of Australia. This is the headline, Warning of a shadow pandemic of youth suicide. [REF] This is the quote out of The Guardian, there were eight hundred and sixty two attempted suicides in people aged five to twenty five in the past six months and double the amount of interventions to help vulnerable teens in the past year. Such interventions were 99 percent higher nationally from December 2020 to the end of May this year compared to that same period a year ago. Professor Patrick McGorry, the head of Youth Mental Health at University of Melbourne, said the pandemic totally overwhelmed mental health services. He says the system is drowning and crumbling, he told The Australian. This is a shadow pandemic. And every lock down makes it even worse.
[00:57:13] Jefferey Jaxen
And to cap this off, we’re going to talk about something, a headline here on the opioid epidemic increase. We seem to have a stamp on that. We seem to have a handle on that in the United States. The Sackler family had their day in court. They were bankrupted essentially. Yet during the pandemic, Opioid overdoses, 29 percent higher in 2020 than before the pandemic: Study. [REF] Now, this didn’t directly include kids, but this will include families and parents and communities are taking the brunt of this. So when people talk about the masks and the other restrictions having no big deal, it’s all about Covid. These are the headlines that are the issues with that argument.
[00:57:51] Del
Amazing Jefferey. Great reporting. And it really brings some clarity to these conversations. I just wish that we could have our spot either on CNN or Fox that people could actually see the truth. Where would we be if America was actually getting this data, not made up by us, right? We’re not going to Sri Lanka for our data or seeing some hippy with a crystal ball. It comes from the CDC, the FDA, the AAP. It’s amazing that these groups, which we usually admonish, are actually putting the data right out there for people to look at, but they don’t know it’s there because no one in mainstream media is telling them it’s there. I mean, incredible. Jefferey, great job. Thank you for focusing all of that on our children this week. Really important. And I know we’ve got a big, big show we’re building up for next week. I think we’re going to blow this thing all wide open. So I’m looking forward to that. I’ll see you then.
[00:58:45] Jefferey Jaxen
Cool. All right, thanks, Del.
[00:58:47] Del
All right, well, if you like Jefferey Jaxen and the work he’s doing, you can get even deeper by going to thehighwire.com and checking out the Jaxen report, where he writes in more detail articles about the conversations that we’re having here. But, you know, when I started out the show today, I was looking through the Jefferey Jaxen section. I mean, I had the script here on my computer. It’s not just sitting here as a prop. And I would say that two thirds of the slides, at least of this entire show are all packed in that 30 minutes with Jefferey Jaxen, and it goes flying by. And I’m sure you’re thinking to yourself, wait, I want that study and you’re trying to take notes. You don’t have to take notes. I don’t want you taking notes. I want you to absorb it. All I need you to do is sign up to our newsletter, go to thehighwire.com and simply put it in your email. And then all of that data, every single one of those articles, every one of those studies that you want to go and show your brother, your sister, your mother, your father, your neighbor, it’s in your hands on Monday. And if you want to revisit the show and say, how did Jefferey describe it? What am I looking for? You can read the whole study. You can highlight it yourself and really blow your friend’s minds. A great party trick. You ought to try it out.
[00:59:54] Del
All right. So when we think about data and what do we do with it, we see guys like Matt Walsh. We see these parents that are stepping up all across the country with more data, with more information. As we’ve reported, many of the studies that talk about vaccine hesitancy, that are standing up against masks, tend to be higher educated parents, maybe more affluent at times is what some of these reports are. And so these well-armed, well informed parents are going into these school board meetings and frankly, raising hell because they’re over it. We went through a year. If all of these lockdowns worked then why the heck does my kid have to wear a mask this year? I mean, I think it’s reached a boiling point. And we really wanted to sort of get into all of the details around that conversation. So there was a school board meeting happening just the other day, it was an emergency school board meeting in Dripping Springs, Texas. And we sent our film crew in to try and get a feel for both sides of this argument and to see what went down inside that meeting. This is what that looked like.
[01:01:02] School board meeting clip
I’m here tonight to support parents’ rights to choose for their children what is the best thing for them in going to school, and I think that it’s important for them to be able to see each other, see the teachers’ mouths, see the expressions of their friends.
[01:01:16] School board meeting clip
I’m here because my son Wyatt has Type one diabetes. He’s going into sixth grade. It’s better for masks to be worn and for it to be mandated because what we’re doing now, having it be a choice here in Texas is not working.
[01:01:31] School board meeting clip
We respect them wearing a mask. Absolutely. I just want them to support our choice to also not want to wear masks.
[01:01:37] School board meeting clip
There’s no scientific proof that that even helps stop the spread of the virus. It’s a pacifier that makes them feel better.
[01:01:44] School board meeting clip
I am fine with any parent who feels a mask is what is needed for their child. But after our experience last year, we will not mask our children at school. It caused way too much harm academically, socially and emotionally.
[01:01:56] School board meeting clip
I’m looking at a 0.01 percent of children that have died from Covid.
[01:02:02] School board meeting clip
I’m not going lie to you and say that I Know these numbers and that’s one thing that I’ll prove.
[01:02:05] School board meeting clip
If that were the case, if that were true information that you saw, do you feel that it is still necessary to mask children.
[01:02:10] School board meeting clip
[01:02:10] School board meeting clip
At the age that they’re at, when my child puts on a mask, even as his parent, I can’t understand what that child is telling me. And he’s my own child.
[01:02:18] School board meeting clip
You said that you want your child to be more social. Do you think the mask stops any of that from happening?
[01:02:24] School board meeting clip
No, no, I don’t think it does.
[01:02:26] School board meeting clip
One of my middle schoolers and one of my high schoolers are deaf. The mask mandates have effectively stolen access to their education for my children.
[01:02:37] School board meeting clip
We all want to go to normal. But that’s not a choice anymore.
[01:02:40] School board meeting clip
We will keep masking. We will keep distancing. We will keep doing our best regardless of whatever else happens.
[01:02:46] School board meeting clip
My kids aren’t ever wearing a mask again, so that’s it. And I’m standing firm on it. I’m never going to lay down and take it again. We have to stand up. It’s time and that’s it.
[01:03:13] School board meeting clip
For those of who you keeping saying my rights are violated, stop being crybabies.
[01:03:20] School board meeting clip
CDC data shows there were three hundred and fifty four Covid deaths of people under 18 years of age, all of 2020, in all of 2021 combined.
[01:03:30] School board meeting clip
Shut your mouth.
[01:03:50] School board meeting clip
We’re now going to move to the public forum section of our meeting on agenda items.
[01:03:56] School board meeting clip
There’s two kinds of people in this room tonight, those of us who believe in choice, if you want to wear your masks, wear your masks, but don’t force my kids to put something on their face that I don’t agree with. Choice versus force, choice versus force. Think about that.
[01:04:16] School board meeting clip
Masks would allow our students and staff to safely return to a more normal school year, a year where the school stays open. I think we can all agree that that is what we want, a full, normal-ish school year.
[01:04:30] School board meeting clip
So the other side, their signs say masks make schools safer for everyone. That’s a fallacy. There is no empirical data that says that masks as worn in school by our children all day make anybody any safer.
[01:04:47] School board meeting clip
The CDC of the United States was asked to provide any studies that they had that proves the efficiency or the effectiveness of masks. Their response was in quotes they were not aware of any.
[01:05:02] School board meeting clip
I will not burden my child with the responsibility of keeping other people healthy and making other people feel better while compromising her immune system and giving herself migraines by breathing in CO2 all day long.
[01:05:22] School board meeting clip
Where do I, a parent of an immune compromised child stand on masks? I can tell you, based on my experience with my son, that no medical professional, educator or administrator knows my son like my husband and I do. Parents know what is best for their own child. It should be a parent’s choice. My child’s health is my responsibility, it does not fall on the backs and faces of the children of this community.
[01:05:49] School board meeting clip
The current county judicial order gives you the power and the direction to mandate masks for DSISD.
[01:05:58] School board meeting clip
Under Section 418.016a does not include the power to suspend the acts of grant of authority to mayors plural, as in all mayors in the state and county judges plural. The Dallas decision applies to every county mayor and judge in the state of Texas. This meeting is a waste of time. We shouldn’t be here.
[01:06:23] School board meeting clip
Masks for political theater and mask mandates are only being attempted now in county schools because children are being played as political pawns.
[01:06:32] School board meeting clip
Everyone should feel the passion in my voice and that even if you said, we had to do something like cover our face and trust me if I were like you I would. We won’t. We will not comply.
[01:06:47] School board meeting clip
How can you help keep my kids safe? What can we do? I don’t know. If it’s not masks, can we open a window? How can we come together?
[01:06:54] School board meeting clip
How do we keep our children safe? We let them laugh and play, get vitamin D. We eat healthy whole foods that build our immune system and we teach them how to wash their hands properly. We let them be children and not cover and hide them behind a mask, unable to connect with their teachers and friends.
[01:07:13] School board meeting clip
I am an 8th grader at DSMS and I’m here to explain as a deaf and as a hard of hearing mentally ill youth why we shouldn’t wear masks this school year. How would you feel if you were to work as hard as possible, just to fail a grade later on, all because of one interchangeable decision. This is my reality. This is what I deal with every single day, zoned out, because it’s not like I can hear the teacher now is it? I raise my hand, canI go to the bathroom where I sit and cry, begging my mom to come get me because I’d rather be alone than feel alone. And that’s what we felt for the past year and a half, alone and not feeling scars. Thank you.
[01:07:54] School board meeting clip
Thank you for having the courage to share with us.
[01:07:58] School board meeting clip
Mandate or not, they will never walk into that school again with the mask on their face.
[01:08:04] School board meeting clip
My children will not muzzled by a mask.
[01:08:06] School board meeting clip
My children will not be wearing masks.
[01:08:08] School board meeting clip
My children will never wear masks.
[01:08:11] School board meeting clip
My children will never wear a mask in your schools again.
[01:08:16] School board meeting clip
My children will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever wear a mask at school, ever again.
[01:08:24] School board meeting clip
God bless Texas.
[01:08:31] Del
Obviously, a lot of emotion and passion on both sides of this conversation, and I want to be sure to make it clear that though I think mainstream media is demonizing one side of this conversation, that should not be happening. These parents on both sides of this aisle are concerned for the safety and health of their children. And it seems to me that the honest and true way forward is not to blame each other, but to really get to the data, as we’ve been doing in this show. But when we look at obviously with cameras there, we saw all the different conversations that were happening. But we have a really interesting opportunity today because I’m being joined by Dr. Stefani Reinold, who has been on this show before. When she was on before she came on talking about masks, talking about the school. But she was in that position from a parent, a mother that was on one of those microphones talking to the school board. But she did what we’ve been telling all of you to do. She ran for the school board. And so now it is my honor and pleasure to be joined by Dr. Stefani Reinold, who is also, you studied public health, you’re a psychiatrist. You have so many different views on this. But when you watch that video and you see the amount of passion, I know you were up on the stage. What was it like to have that sort of, you know, to be witnessing that in front of you instead of being a part of it? Was the experience different in any way?
[01:09:52] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Absolutely, I mean, I think it’s really hard being a public official in these times right now. And so, I just first want to give a lot of grace to anybody holding public office, because now seeing two sides of it, there are two sides of it. And it’s not as, there is a lot of emotion around these decisions as they play out. And I share in that emotion. I have very strong opinions myself. And yet I also understand that putting on that cap of a public official is a different mindset altogether.
[01:10:23] Del
Is there a difference for you, you’re a parent, does it feel different when you’re making decisions about your child’s health, your family, your husband, your children, and then now you’re going to be making a decision that is literally going to affect all children, who maybe are not in the same health position that your own children are in and does that sort of weigh in to the thinking? Does it change how you look at it?
[01:10:47] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Absolutely. I mean, I think that’s where my public health lens has really helped, because public health is about population health, right? It’s not about individuals. That’s what being a doctor is about. Doctors is about one on one patient care. I get to look at an individual patient and make my best recommendation for you. A public official, as with a public health expert, you should be looking at a population. What is the best decision for an entire school district? What is the best decision for a whole classroom? For a whole school? You know, it’s slightly different when you think about it that way. And so when you think about something like a mask mandate, which obviously is very controversial, you have very polarized opinions on both sides. And Jefferey Jaxen mentioned it perfectly when he’s saying that one side of the issue is oh, just everyone wear a mask. It seems like the simple solution. OK, but we’re leaving out this massive conversation that masks are not without risk. And so from a public health perspective, you have to look at risks versus benefit for a population now, not just for the individual.
[01:11:53] Del
So we see these school boards all across the country, frankly, for the most part, at least last year, they all just went with masks, they all went with restrictions, they all went with lockdowns. And I sit here thinking, what data are they looking at that they’re so confidently, many of them, you know, unanimous decisions are so confidently stepping in there. Now that you’re in that room, and I’m sure there’s things that are probably private in the conversations that you’re having. But what can you tell us about, once you’re on one of these boards, are you being visited by the health department? Does the CDC send in somebody that says, here’s the actual data, here’s the numbers? Are you crunching through facts and data or is it as emotional as the people that are watching CNN out in the audience? I mean, is that it or are they just going with what the pundits have said?
[01:12:42] Dr. Stefani Reinold
It’s a good question. And I feel like we all need a really good understanding about what a school board does. And I know that every state is slightly different. So I can only speak to Texas because that’s where I’m at. And I can only speak to my school district. And I think school board is a very unique position because of public offices that I know about, I don’t know of a single other public office where you’re functioning as a group of people, not just an individual, right? A representative is an individual with their own individual platform. They make their own vote and school board it is that way to an extent, but you are still a united front. And so that becomes a little bit more challenging. Also, a lot of school districts, especially on these Covid protocols, some school districts are voting on this, meaning it’s an actual action item for school boards to take. So then you’re seeing how all of the school board individuals are voting on these issues. Other districts like our district, it was left up to administration, which means that our superintendent with input from the board or input from community, other experts, parents, teachers, et cetera, are making decisions on their own. So the way the decisions are made are not uniform either. So that’s important to understand as well. And that for our district in particular, the school board is not actually that involved. The reason for this particular meeting was actually a legal consult meeting that we just so happen to open up to public comment because we know this was such a highly charged, emotional issue for people to give them that opportunity to be seen, to be heard. And I think some people felt like they weren’t heard, especially on the other side, because they didn’t feel safe to be in that large gathering or they didn’t feel safe to be in that environment. And so there’s even a case to be made that maybe we didn’t really hear fully on both sides of that story. So, you know, it’s very muddy waters. But in terms of what data we’re looking at, at least and again, I can’t speak to last year because I wasn’t on the board last year, I was only elected since May. So it’s been a very short tenure for me so far. But what I can say is we don’t get a lot of data uniformly. I, as a public official, I can ask for that information and it’s freely offered to me, but it’s not really freely shared amongst the board. As I mentioned, this emergency meeting was more a legal decision because our, as you know or don’t know, our governor had issued a ban on county governments to initiate any sort of mask mandate. And then as of Friday, our county judge had issued a mask mandate. So where does that leave us for our school district?
[01:15:21] Del
And additionally, the attorney general had pushed back. This thing went to appeals. And ultimately, that appellate court, I think it was, or was it the Supreme Court that ruled, no, this is the governor’s decision. You can’t…and as I think was pointed out by Patrick in that video, reading from and it says mayors, like all of you mayors, all of you that are underneath the government, you do not have the ability to override this decision. But that’s what the school is weighing in on then was could we follow through with the mask mandate as has been sort of administered to our county if we want to?
[01:15:55] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Correct. And you’ll see, that’s very clear how you just put it. And it seems very clear to me how you’re saying it, but different lawyers and different legal counsel have different opinions which I’ve seen and different school districts, different legal counsel has different opinions. And so just like different doctors are viewing the same data very differently from a public health perspective, different lawyers are going to view these things differently. So I think right now what we’re seeing is this huge divide in our world at large. And there’s very distinct and controversial opinions on both sides of the fence. And it’s going across everything. It’s going across medicine. It’s going across legal. It’s going across business. I mean, every industry is affected by this.
[01:16:40] Del
Yeah. When we think of data, I am sure, you know, given the fact that you obviously got involved with the school board, because you want to bring your medical background, your understanding, your understanding of data, your, sort of, concept of public health. When you then, I imagine, brought data and you start having that conversation in this case was behind closed doors, right? You guys had a meeting before you allowed all the public in. How is it being received? I mean, we see the one guy standing out in front of the school who was told the death rate, as laid out by the CDC, is .01 percent. And he’s like, oh, I’m not aware of those numbers. And then she says, well, if you know that if it was true, should we still mask, yes, as though it didn’t sink in. When you’re presenting data, is it helping with this conversation? Is there an ability to hear data?
[01:17:31] Dr. Stefani Reinold
You know, that has not been a very open, fluid conversation amongst an entire board. And again, it kind of comes back to the difficulties of school board. Every time you meet quorum, which is a certain number of school board officials joining together, you have to have a formal meeting. And in that setting, it’s very formal. As you saw in the video, you know, we’re on stage. Everything’s recorded. It’s public. It’s open to the public. And so, there’s individual conversations sometimes I have, and that’s where really county officials, I think it’s their prerogative to actually get involved, to be sharing the data. And it’s something probably going forward that will be introduced, I would imagine even in our district to be able to monitor these things in a more formal capacity.
[01:18:15] Del
As a citizen in Texas or any state, I can go and visit my senator, I can visit my congressman and sort of talk about, I can bring data, I can say are you aware of these things. Do we have that ability to meet with school board officials? I mean, I’m literally just thinking of that right now. I’ve never heard of somebody saying, go talk to your school board and pull them each aside and run through the data. Would that be weird? Is it like what are you doing talking to me?
[01:18:41] Dr. Stefani Reinold
That’s a really interesting point. I don’t know if anyone’s asked me that before. It definitely wouldn’t be weird. I mean, I welcome people to talk to me about it and I welcome the information. I think that the worst kind of public comment I hear sometimes is I know you already know the numbers. It’s hard for me and I like following the numbers. It’s hard for me to keep up. So I want to say, no, we don’t know, please share. So that information is really good to be had. And I think it’s important for us to be involved in our community. I think that the purpose of school board is to give that community aspect. And I think even in closed meeting, obviously, I represent a really, I represent my whole community, but I represent a unique opinion in my community too, that really frankly got me elected to my position. And so I think that’s a really important voice to bring to the table. So while your platform is a platform of seven people in our district, other districts it’s five or how many ever school board officials, really you as an individual, you’re representing your voice, your voice of your constituents. That means like your friends, your neighbors, the people that elected you.
[01:19:48] Del
When we watch and we’re seeing these YouTube videos all over the country. And I always think back to years out of school, I was directing theater in New York at one point and I’d been an actor as a kid. I remember the first time I sat and was the director now auditioning people. I just had this total, I was like, I wish I’d done this a long time ago. I would have approached how I audition, how I come in to that room differently. Sitting now, up on the stage and having these people step up to the podium and we get really excited about what this person says. Did you see it a different way, when it’s coming at you? Is there something we should know from your vantage point about what is effective as a testimony at the microphone versus what may or may not be effective?
[01:20:33] Dr. Stefani Reinold
That’s a good question. A lot of people will ask me that too. Should we all say the same thing? Should I just be sharing data? Should I just share a personal story? Is it emotion? I have people, do you even read my emails? Do you do this? And honestly, I think all of it is beneficial. I think anything and everything. I think the data is important. I think personal stories are important. I think bringing your kids, if you want to, if they want to. I think sending emails. I think you can’t talk, you can’t stop talking about something that is vitally important to you. And a lot of these issues are literally life and death issues that we talk about. I mean, as a mental health professional, you know, my heart breaks when I hear of people who have had mental health struggles the past year. I’ve had patients die through suicide. That’s a horrible thing to deal with as a physician, having a patient die in a very offbeat way. It’s difficult. It’s a challenging thing to go through. And so, these are very real risks. And these are your own children. I want to see you passionate. I mean, I wouldn’t expect anything less. And so in terms of what makes a good testimony or not, I think anything is good if you’re willing to speak up. I think more times than not, people are just afraid to speak up.
[01:21:46] Del
Yeah. There was a young girl, at the end of that, thatwas so powerful, who I believe is deaf and so reads lips. And she tried to express, actually, I think successfully expressed the emotion of what it was like, the crime against her and her ability to learn when everyone had their faces covered, including the teachers. Nobody seemed to care. She’s going into the bathroom to cry about it. On the other side, you see the mother with a child with diabetes who wants her child protected in that environment. But let’s sort of get out of that emotion. In the school board meetings, as a psychiatrist, I’m curious, what are, I mean, you said you’re seeing suicide. You’re seeing this other result, right? All we hear about it’s just a piece of cloth over your face. Do it, whether it works or not. At least the mother with the child with diabetes will feel better about it and feel safe for her kid. Isn’t that something we can all do? But what about that child that either is deaf and can’t speak or has some sort of PTSD? Maybe they were mugged or are going through a family, personal situation we don’t know about that can’t express it. Are they getting lost in this whole conversation?
[01:22:55] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Yes. Yes. I mean, it’s what we talked about almost a year ago, on the same show, we talked about the mental health piece that we’ve just forgotten about that. Mental health issues were on the rise long before uniformed mask things. But technically speaking, this is a medical device that you’re asking to put on your child and that your child is just going to go away from you for eight to nine hours a day with a medical device that is not actually, has any evidence, really conclusive backing one way or the other. And yet we do know that there are significant harms associated with this and no one talks about that. We don’t, we don’t ever talk about it. I mean, my goodness, I’ve been screaming for a year that I just want schools to acknowledge that there’s a harm attached to it. I’m not even saying take down your mask mandate, although I would love to have a conversation about that. But I’m saying, can you at least acknowledge the harm? And I’ll usually get something of, well, I acknowledge the loss, it’s been a hard year for everybody. No, I’m talking about actual harm of the mask for these individual children. We need to flesh that out, really, because there’s lots of them. There’s emotional developmental harms. There’s actual medical harms like breathing in CO2 all day. There’s infectious harms, the infections that it causes, and let’s build a case for actually having informed consent, which is what you’re all about, obviously. But I mean, let’s talk about maybe there are some benefits. Absolutely, I’m not going to say there is zero benefit, but there is also a whole list of harms that we need to bring into that conversation too.
[01:24:30] Del
So how did the vote turn out? What is the state of Dripping Springs right now? School just started, right?
[01:24:37] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Yes, school started this week. So masks are optional while we’re waiting for things to play out in the courts. So for now…
[01:24:46] Del
So the school board essentially washed its hands of making any decision outside of what the governor, they’re going to see how this plays out. Does the governor have that power? We’re being told Biden, I think next week, is going to begin some form of attack is the only word coming. I don’t want to seem, you know, political, but he’s going to go after the governors that are basically passing these laws. I don’t care what the federal government says. There’s going to be no mask mandates in my state. Really incredible times. Do you feel like you had an effect? I mean, you wanted to get on the school board. We keep telling people, we’ve got to get back involved. We got to get involved in politics. We can’t just sit there and complain about what’s happening. You took action. Do you feel like you’re having an effect?
[01:25:33] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Yeah, I do. I do. I really do. And I think it’s kind of twofold. One is just literally my presence and my gifts and talents of service that I can bring to the table, which I mean, obviously all board members bring their own gifts and talents to the table. So I’m just one person of seven plus our superintendent, which is a team of eight. But I also think something really unique and special happened in my particular community is I gave voice to these issues that parents had screamed about for over a year, and we saw a lot of things not go in our favor this past year. And a lot of, it was a really hard year for our community, I think for all communities around the world. But I feel like me being that voice representing my constituents who have a really important, valid cause. It’s ignited people. I mean, obviously, you saw Monday, parents came, they showed up. And so I think regardless of what happens, we as of now, we have regained a little bit of control to have freedom over our own children.
[01:26:38] Del
I don’t know if you can answer this question, but when we look at that school board, we can get a sense that these are pharma shills, that their lackeys are up there making these votes against us. Are you under the impression that anybody is sort of funded by pharma or planted in there? Or are these really parents that just are looking at a different set of facts or sort of news points?
[01:27:00] Dr. Stefani Reinold
I mean, it wouldn’t surprise me if in larger districts things like that do happen. I think corruption does happen at every layer. I think there’s good eggs, bad eggs. But in my particular district, I’m not seeing that per se. What I do think is just people, we are driven by the information that we have been privy to, right? And if you’ve been privy to a whole different set of information over the past 18 months, you’re obviously going to have a very, very different opinion than what I have looking at what I’ve looked at for the past 18 months. So I think there are a lot of really good hearted, well-intentioned people that serve on school board. I mean, in my district and all districts in Texas, it’s an unpaid position. It’s a thankless job and it takes a ton of time. I don’t think people would run if there wasn’t some selflessness to that. And so I want to give a lot of grace to my colleagues, like it is just a really hard time to be a public official right now.
[01:27:58] Del
All right. Well, I want to thank you for becoming a public official. It’s something that we talk a lot about, but really taking that action is at a whole other level. So thank you for representing and thank you for sharing your insights today. Really appreciate it Stefani.
[01:28:11] Dr. Stefani Reinold
Thanks, Del.
[01:28:12] Del
All right. Well, you’re all going in front of school boards. Hopefully some of you going to run for school board. But the conversation right now obviously is masks. I mean, we’re hearing about the potential for vaccine mandates, but that’s not on the table. What is on the table is whether or not your child is going to have to wear a mask. Thousands and thousands of you have been reaching out to us saying, where was that study that you talked about two months ago or three months ago? So I want to let you know, we’ve compiled all of the information on masks that we’ve addressed over the last year and a half. There’s three different sections of it. Here’s the first one, studies on masks and their effectiveness. All of those links are different studies and articles written on the effectiveness. We have another section, studies on mask mortality, asymptomatic spread and the overall risk. These are obviously, the Covid risk to children in school environments. Look at all that information that’s there. And then lastly, studies on masks and the potential harms of masks. The studies that showed how masks are harming both mentally and physically. All of those links are available to you. Again, all you have to do is be on our newsletter. You don’t even have to be one of our donors. Please. This information will be in your hands this weekend so you can go, and if you’re going to go speak into a school board or maybe you want to go speak to a member by themselves and try and inform them and really put science in front of them or again at a dinner with friends, this is what we need to do. We need to get involved and we’re trying to give you the tools that are going to be in your hands. So please join the newsletter so that we can put all of those documents in your hands so that you can make a difference.
[01:29:51] Del
When it comes to fighting for our rights, there are great health freedom groups all over the country. One of my favorites, and probably the reason I moved to Texas is because of Texans for Vaccine Choice. They are fighting for exactly that, vaccine choice, when on the other side of the aisle are people that want to make our lives difficult. And they’re even saying that. This is a video that Texans for Vaccine Choice put out recently. I think you’ll find it as shocking as I did.
[01:30:25] Texans for Vaccine Choice video
And what we really need to do at this point is to make vaccination the easy choice. It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated. Right now, it’s kind of the opposite. It’s fine, I mean, it’s easy, if you’re unvaccinated, you could do everything you want to do anyway. But at some point, these mandates by workplaces, by schools, I think it will be important to say, hey, you can opt out, but if you want to opt out, you have to sign these forms, you have to get twice weekly testing. Basically, we need to make getting vaccinated the easy choice. That is what it’s going to take for us to actually end the pandemic.
[01:31:17] Del
That was the lovely Leana Wen featured in that beautiful video by Texans for Vaccine Choice. I mean, it’s amazing, right? Remember when Leana Wen was saying, if we just let people take their masks off and open back up without, like, vaccinating, then we’re taking away the carrot. You’ve got to keep the carrot in front of the horse to keep it moving. What are we doing? I mean, that woman, I think honestly, I called Bobby Kennedy and said, are you paying her? I’m not paying her because it sure sounds like she’s working for our side because she’s making them sound ridiculous. Well, it’s not ridiculous and it’s not that funny because it is truly affecting our lives.
She’s all over mainstream media. But to try and counteract that, there’s groups all over the country. And I have the opportunity right now and it’s my honor to talk to Jackie Schlegel, who is one of those groups here in Texas, Texans for Vaccine Choice. I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again. There’s a lot of great groups out there, doing great work in states. But when I was trying to think, where do I want to live? You’ve done some amazing work here in Texas. I mean, obviously, the politics here sort of suit this conversation a little better than where I was at in California. But recently we were all at the Capitol, you know, and what I was shocked by was the health committee. The Senate health committee that we were in front of was actually listening. I mean, and I said to you afterwards, you obviously, so many groups are trying to get through to the politicians, but those health committees are usually just closed off, shut down. Not here in Texas. So obviously, you’ve done an amazing job. How have you developed those relationships?
[01:32:58] Jackie Schlegel
Well, first and foremost, thank you so much for having me. As I’m actually sitting here in studio, I’m like, wow, this is way more comfortable than the Capitol cafeteria, right?
[01:33:08] Del
Where we spent, like, was it like nine hours?
[01:33:11] Jackie Schlegel
I think it was 13 hours waiting. And you were so gracious to come. And the guilt we feel and, you know, sitting there for 13 hours, like I think we’re going to testify soon, Del, I promise, I think the moment is coming. But you have just been such an asset to Texas and we are so thankful to have you here. So, yeah, I think when I launched the organization in 2015, OK, you remember this, right? I had no political background. I had no political experience. I love the stories that we just showed about the parents getting active and involved because that was me. This was just a passion. I was a mama bear. I had to do something and I didn’t know what to do, how to do it. And I’ll be very honest, I didn’t do it very well initially at the very beginning.
[01:34:01] Del
I feel like telling the story. Should we tell the story? Wait, hold on, is it this camera?
[01:34:08] Jackie Schlegel
I did tell the story on air yesterday.
[01:34:12] Del
So just so everyone knows…which camera am I looking at? OK, soAndy Wakefield and I, we were traveling with VAXXED and someone said, you got to meet the head of Texans for Vaccine Choice. She’s going to be testifying. We were told we might get to testify. And so we showed up. And I’ll just never forget Andy, who is amazing at testifying. They just wouldn’t allow him up on the microphone, which I think sort of began like the frustration. And then Jackie got up and it was like a debate. And I think at a certain point Andy’s like this, I mean, he wanted to be answering for her. She was on the hot seat for the first time. And I think he let you know. He wasn’t very subtle. You came down, he’s like, you could have done much better at that, right?
[01:34:53] Jackie Schlegel
Something along those lines. Here’s what was so great about that, though. It was my first kind of public appearance, all right. And I put myself out there and in the grand scheme of things, I look back and I’m like, wow, that was so brave, so amazing. But at the time, it felt horrible. It felt absolutely horrible. I thought the weight of the world was coming down on me. And I’m going to get emotional talking about it because we went out to lunch afterwards and we did a live video. And you just looked at me and we went live and you said, Jackie is a mom. And she put herself out there and she did something. And I encourage the rest of you to do just that. Well, never in a million years did I think fast forward six years later, I would have, quite honestly, a world class organization. We really, truly set the standard for advocacy. We educate, we advocate, we build community. And I feel like we do that very well. But as far as my work in the Capitol, it really was trial by fire. It was get in there. I didn’t feel equipped to have these conversations, but you gotta start somewhere. So I started going to the Capitol every single day and I saw this huge need. I’ll never forget sitting in my first committee hearing, it was like, wow, you know, by the time we get to this point where they are debating whether this bill should go through or not, we’re too late. And so I’m just one person. I’m just a mom. I’m not the most well-spoken, but I can be here and I can be here every single day and that’s what I’ve done for six years. And now we have thousands of families who will show up to the Capitol and join us in that mission. So I would encourage anybody. It doesn’t matter what you have to offer. We all have a role in this movement and there are more of us than we think there are. And when we decide that we are going to come together and be united. Doesn’t matter if you’re the most well spoken. Doesn’t matter if you’ve ever done this before. Doesn’t matter if you have a vaccine injured child or you’re losing your job or anything in between? This is about freedom, liberty. This is about once we hand any more rights over, we’re not getting them back. And that’s what we do as Texans for Vaccine Choice.
[01:37:03] Del
So speaking of events, so we have a huge event coming up on Saturday here at the Austin Capitol. Tell me about that.
[01:37:09] Jackie Schlegel
Well, I’m really, really excited to see what you do on that stage. I…
[01:37:14] Del
Me too. I never know what I’m going do, so we’ll see.
[01:37:17] Jackie Schlegel
I still get press who call out that event in 2019. But look, at the end…
[01:37:22] Del
What was it about 2019 that was special?
[01:37:24] Jackie Schlegel
Oh, the yellow star.
[01:37:26] Del
Like I didn’t know.
[01:37:30] Jackie Schlegel
I remember that very, very well. And so, we have a great lineup. We have an incredible lineup of speakers and I think individuals are going to be blessed when they come to this rally and they hear the speakers that we have. But aside from that, really this is about Texans. This is about actually everybody all across the country and across the world who believes in informed consent, medical privacy and vaccine choice. This is the doctors and the nurses who are losing their jobs. These are the school teachers, who are being told that they have to get vaccinated or else they are going to lose their job. That’s what this event is about. And over the last year and a half alongside you guys, we’ve had great concerns about the direction we were going even as a state. The thinking about mask mandates, you can have the conversation, should you wear a mask or not wear a mask? But it’s a completely different conversation when you talk about mandating it. And I think even some in our community were a little uneasy with our position because out of the gate we just said, no, if you can mandate a mask, you can mandate a vaccine. And then where else is this going to go? But the last year and a half, as this has been building, we’ve gotten a lot of people reaching out saying, when are you going to rally? When are you going to go to the Capitol? And I’ll be honest, Texans really just weren’t to that point. They were fairly complacent. It wasn’t hitting them at home. It wasn’t relevant. The momentum was just not there. And it was probably…
[01:39:16] Del
Also, we don’t vote right? Our Senate here, the policy is like every other year. So you had a year where there’s like nothing that could be done, so why get involved? So that would be my question now. I think there’s probably a lot of people out there like, hey, man, I left California. I was rallying there, but I’m in Texas. It’s cool here. I got Abbott. He’s putting out laws to sort of stop the mask mandate. And so why do I need to get out?
[01:39:42] Jackie Schlegel
Well, the reality is, is that we are seeing these social mandates all across the board. And even for the laws that are on the books, quite honestly, they’re ignoring them. They are just outright ignoring, they are challenging any executive order. They are challenging any legislative bills that we have passed and do have signed into law. And it’s a little bit like whack a mole right now because they can. They can get away with it. And so it is incredibly important that we come together because our phone also has not, it hasn’t stopped ringing off the hook with these cases, these individuals who are faced with the reality of losing their job. I would like to remind people who do come out to our rally, I promise you, we are going to have a huge number of individuals who probably got their first dose of a vaccine, who maybe prior to this vaccine got every other vaccine, got their flu shot. Our demographic has certainly changed at Texans for Vaccine Choice. This is a movement that is compassionate. We are kind. We welcome them into our state house to join us in this fight. And that’s the message that we want to share. Wherever you are in your journey, you have a place with Texans for Vaccine Choice. And we want you to come rally with us Saturday, August 21st. What do you have lined up because you’re speaking?
[01:41:11] Del
I don’t know. I’m going to be there, the 21st. What time does it start? Around eleven? 11:30 we’ll be there. It’s going to be amazing. And I just want to thank you, I mean, not only because of the work that you’re doing, but you are such a great representation, I think, at a time where they are trying to divide this nation. They’re trying to get us to scream and yell at each other. I love what you said. We’re passionate, we’re kind, we’re loving, we’re caring. You have a place here. That absolutely has to be our message. We’ve got to make sure that we don’t scream at those other people that just have different information. They’ve been misinformed. It’s not their fault.
[01:41:47] Jackie Schlegel
Absolutely. I’ve been there. I was that person years ago who really thought this movement was kind of the crazy people. And I think many of the people joining us now, three or four weeks ago, they probably just thought we were the wild anti-vaxxers. And now their eyes have been open because it has become personal to them.
[01:42:08] Del
All right. You’ve got a new app?
[01:42:09] Jackie Schlegel
We have an app. Texans for Vaccine Choice app.
[01:42:12] Del
Do I just go to, like, the app store, Texans for Vaccine Choice?
[01:42:14] Jackie Schlegel
Yes, sir.
[01:42:15] Del
All right.
[01:42:16] Jackie Schlegel
Go to App Store. What is it?
[01:42:18] Del
I think we can figure that out. It’s a button. There it is. It is up on the screen. It’s a button. Just go to your app store, Texans for Vaccine Choice. Congratulations on making the modern world. Obviously, people need to be donating to you. I know how expensive it is to do we’re doing. It’s expensive to do what you’re doing.
[01:42:36] Jackie Schlegel
And can I…we have a donor match right now. Any donation is going to be matched dollar for dollar up to thirty thousand dollars for Texans for Vaccine Choice. That’s a good bit of money and allows us to do a lot of work and put more boots on the ground.
[01:42:52] Del
All right, we got the website up right now. Please donate to Texans for Vaccine Choice. Even if you don’t live in Texas, think about what Texas is representing to the country. If we win here, we win for the country. This is in the news. This is what is being watched. We’ve got the administration pointing at Texas, pointing at Florida. It’s a good thing. Yeah, look at us. Go ahead and watch our death rates. Go ahead and watch what happens here as we open up and we walk around freely, breathing God’s air and we’ll see how that plays out in our country.
[01:43:20] Jackie Schlegel
They are moving here in droves and that speaks volumes.
[01:43:25] Del
Anybody that wants to get in real estate, buy a house here. It’s just going up and up and up. Jackie, keep up the good work. I’ll see you on Saturday.
[01:43:31] Jackie Schlegel
Thank you.
[01:43:32] Del
Awesome. Beautiful. You know, as we think about these conversations of masking and we’re standing in front of school boards and we’re going to send our kids into a public or a private school. And you ever ask yourself, even if I’ve won the argument or what are they saying to my kids inside of the school? How are my teachers…let’s imagine a school where maybe they’re wearing masks and allowing your kid to be one of the unmasked kids. If the teacher doesn’t agree with that, is she having private conversations with your kid or is he having private conversations? There was a video that came out that I think was so chilling because though the parents were standing there, you see them attempting to have a separate conversation with the child. Take a look at this.
[01:44:19] News clip
Seven year old Lisa in hand, the parent approached the doors of Cowan Elementary. The parent asked us not to use the second graders real name. We’re also not showing her face, nor the mothers for fear of retaliation. The school administrator noticed the family members not wearing masks and asked that the little girl put one on. The parents continue citing Governor Abbott’s ban on mask mandates. At this point, the school official bends down and directly addresses the second grader.
[01:44:52] News clip
Good morning. We’re really excited to have you here today. So if want to come on in, you can come on in and then when you come on in we do have masks that we can provide.
[01:45:00] News clip
The back and forth continues.
[01:45:04] News clip
We are not wearing a mask.
[01:45:05] News clip
So you have that option, but any student that comes into our campus is required to wear a mask.
[01:45:09] News clip
Not according to the governor. This is the law. [inaudible]
[01:45:17] News clip
We’re here to welcome our students in and celebrate our first day.
[01:45:20] News clip
But if you’re not going to welcome her in without a mask.
[01:45:22] News clip
We are welcoming her in, but we’re going to give her a mask when she comes in because that is policy.
[01:45:28] Del
Well, it’s unbelievable and sort of you see this guy incapable of having a conversation with the adult there and then trying to even brainwash your child in front of your parents. And I want you to imagine how much is this going on. How much are our teachers and the faculties at schools and the amount of pressure being put on them. And they’re watching whatever news stations that are lying to them. But what are they doing to our kids? I mean, are they dividing our children against us? As we send them in that door, what happens out in the world and the politics of the world are not supposed to be a part of their education. And you would hope that what they’re doing is supporting your relationship with your child, since that is the most important relationship in the growth of a child moving into adulthood. Are they undermining us behind those doors? Are they talking to our kids? That’s something that I think is very concerning. We’re getting a lot of reports around the country when it comes to those types of conversations. When we look in Washington, D.C. at the law that is going to force vaccine or go in and have a vaccine conversation that you’re not in. I think it was at the age of nine and older, or was it 12, 12 and older, but also other states looking at this. A 12 year old being pressured by adults saying your parents are wrong about the choices they’ve made, sort of browbeating them into submission. Those are the types of things that were on my mind as I was invited to an event in Georgia, a healthy immune families event. And I’ve been very busy. I also have been doing a lot of traveling. But this event really mattered to me because I have spent the last, over I think four or five years traveling the country, talking to adults. But when it came to talking to children, I hadn’t done that yet. And I hadn’t really spoken to the families. And as I was thinking about what am I going to say to a child whose teacher may be telling them, your parents don’t know what they’re talking about, your parents are stupid, stop listening to them. Literally, there’s legislation trying to make that happen. And so I said, you know what, I’m not going to miss that event for anything in the world, so I brought my whole family along. It was incredible. And here is just a taste of what that entire day was like.
[01:47:43] Del
I think that you’re ready to go. We are going to go to a big event today. We’re on our way to Georgia, got the whole family in tow, heading to the back to school immune healthy kids party. Had a really very early morning wake up to get the kids up, extremely sleepy, a little bit grumpy. But we made it. Very excited to see all these beautiful, healthy immune families. Children on the way. Here we come. This seems like such an important time for children to have an event, to talk to their peers and also maybe do some role playing on how to answer questions if your teachers are pressuring you for information that’s really none of their business. So I’m really excited for this event. And how about you guys?
[01:48:40] Del’s family
I mean, it’s a great idea for people to get together to know that they’re not alone.
[01:48:46] Del’s family
We have a great opportunity to enjoy the air, the God given air that we have here to breathe and celebrate each other.
[01:48:57] Del
Are you guys ready? Let’s get out.
[01:49:14] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
Today, we’re out here in Ball Ground, Georgia and we’re literally having an awesome time. As you can see from behind me, we have pony rides, we have sun flower planting, games for the kids. I wanted to provide some community and education within our area because my kids started asking me about, like, mom, so what’s the deal with the vaccine? I thought if my kids have questions, there has to be others that have questions.
[01:49:42] Del
All these children, smiling, faces, natural health in a natural environment. We’re riding ponies and talking about the truth. I heard that at this exact same time today down in the city, they were having an event where they were vaccinating children going into school and celebrating their school day with vaccinations. Just to think of that juxtaposition of how we’re all seeing this so differently.
[01:50:06] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
Everybody’s telling our kids that they’re super spreaders. They are the ones that are getting their grandparents sick. And we really just need to change that because kids are not super spreaders. They’re super healthy. They don’t want them going back to school in fear. I wanted to give the kids the tool to not feel guilted or ashamed because those decisions really come from their family and they should be proud of that.
[01:50:34] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
This group of kids over here. Can you hold up your signs? So thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for being our voice and thank you for saying yes.
[01:50:46] Del
Let me just take this in for a second, because it’s a little bit different to see all of the children out the way they are today, and that’s what really drew me in to this experience. It’s hard to imagine as I drove up how I could think about talking to kids and teenagers and what would I say to you? Because I’m so used to talking about adults and getting really intense about what we need to do to try and fight for freedom. But, I think the best I can do is really remember when I was a kid, and I think it’s why I find myself standing here on this microphone talking to you is because of my parents and the decisions that my parents made to not vaccinate me and to make different choices for me. I remember I was in third grade and one day I went off to school and I remember I was wearing this T-shirt that I had made in art class over the last few days. And so I put it on proudly and I walked off to school with my sister. And then at lunchtime I came home and walked into the house and my mom saw us and she said, Del what happened to the shirt you were wearing, the dyed shirt you were wearing. And I said, Oh, well, when I got to school, Craig said, it looks stupid. And so he lives right next door to the school, so I just ran over to his house and I borrowed his T-shirt. And I remember this look on my mom’s face, I couldn’t quite describe. And all I remember is my mom pulled us out of school immediately and she sat me down and she sat my sister down and she said, I will never raise children that care what other people think. I want children that listen to their own intuition, that trust their own guidance and walk their path to the things that they want. I want to say to the kids out there, because I’m sure your parents have probably done something crazy like that at some point, and I wasn’t happy about it. That was saying goodbye, at least all the friends I had. And it didn’t make a lot of sense at the time. But as I was homeschooling and as I was spending that time with my parents, they just kept telling me over and over again, you must always, always question authority because there’s really only one true authority over you, and that’s God. It didn’t mean don’t listen to your teachers or don’t listen to adults, but if it goes against who you think you are, not only was I allowed to say no, my parents said you must say no. I was lucky enough to have parents that taught me how to pray, taught me how to listen, taught me how to turn inside so that I would see those signals and those miracles in those moments that were guiding me to my destiny. There is a world out there of your peers, of friends, of politicians that are trying to convince you and your parents that the way we think, that T-shirt that we love, we shouldn’t be wearing it and we shouldn’t be living like that. Your parents are standing up right now in a way that only heroes throughout our history books have stood up before.
[01:54:44] Del
Do you have friends that wear masks when you don’t?
[01:54:49] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
I do.
[01:54:50] Del
What’s that like? Do they get mad or do they not care?
[01:55:00] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
Me and my brother had to move schools because we were sick and tired of being online.
[01:55:02] Del
So you moved schools?
[01:55:11] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
And my friends keep saying why?
[01:55:12] Del
What do you say when they ask you why?
[01:55:17] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
I say because of the masks.
[01:55:19] Del
At your age, you should understand one thing, this air we breathe. Guess what? It’s the same air I breathed my whole life. And guess what? My parents breathe this air to and before them, their parents, my grandparents and my great great grandparents, my great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents all breathe this air. And they never hid from it. They never had to wear a mask because there’s nothing about this air that’s bad for you. There will be really weird people out there that will say that somehow there’s things in that air that are dangerous. And if anybody tries to ask you questions that you don’t understand, like things about your health or why aren’t you wearing a mask or did you get a certain shot, you just say, you know what? Ask my parents. They handle all of that for me. That’s all I want you to do. I want to know have you gotten a vaccine? What do you say? Ask my parents. Let’s do that again. What do you say? Ask my parents. That’s it. As long as you do that, you guys are going to do really, really well and grow up to be superheroes, I promise. Exactly. Ask your parents.
[01:56:57] Back to School Kids party – event in Georgia
Truly, the purpose of this event is to educate our kids, empower them, because every child’s body is different. Some kids have allergies and they have preexisting conditions. And I think it’s important for each family to make that medical decision within their own household.
[01:57:12] Del
There is no reason your medical decisions and the medical decisions of your family should be anybody’s business but your own. We have laws about that called HIPAA that protects anyone from asking you the decisions you’ve made about your health. When someone asks you if you want to be really polite, you know what? That’s a conversation you should have with my parents. If you want to be a little bit of a jerk, you can say, you know what, it’s illegal for you to ask me that. And I feel really uncomfortable and I might have to call my parents’ lawyer if you continue this line of questioning. Try to focus on the things that still matter, your sports, your education. Try not to get in this conversation. But when it happens, please know that the fact that you’re here means your parents have done something incredibly special with you. God is pumping through your veins. Keep it that way. You will inherit and be a part of rebuilding the greatest generation of humanity that ever lived. Train yourself for that and then own it when this earth is yours. Take care.
[01:58:32] Del
That was a truly special event, and I hope it sets a precedent around the country and around the world of the type of events that need to be happening. I want to give a shout out to Danielle Denlein that really made that happen. I’m sure there’s a whole team of people around her. I don’t have all of your names, but thank you for the work that you did there. If you noticed that one of the conversations I was having with Danielle before we got out there is, there’s a real legitimate concern of the faces of these children being seen, that they might be subject to ridicule or even worse, their parents could be visited because of the values and the discussions that we were having. Can you believe that? Can you believe that we live…this is the United States of America. And I have to blur out a family event because of the concern that these children or their families may be attacked potentially by government officials here in the United States of America. That’s the reality we live in. And there’s no shaking that. And so, one of the things that, next week and I’ve said it all week, we see Biden right now. The Biden administration is talking about booster shots. Here’s the headlines right now, Biden administration to begin rolling out booster shots the week of September 20th. We’re also hearing promise that next week he is going to bring a federal power battle against governors that are opposing federal mandates with masks and perhaps vaccines. So this thing is really coming to a head. But I want to tell you, next week, that booster shot, there’s a lot more to that than the fact that they’re just saying, oh, we want everyone to take a third shot. We’re going to dive deep. This is a show we’ve been working on for a couple of weeks now, but it’s all coming together. And I think the reality of what that says is so much more shocking and so much more damning than anyone realizes. We’re going to be bringing you some new evidence and some new science, I think that it’s going to absolutely blow your mind. It should kill this push in this thing dead. All of that next Thursday. So if you have family members out there or friends that are considering the vaccine, tell them to hold off for seven more days, hold off for seven more days. Take a look at next week’s The HighWire. And then if that inspires you to still go out and get the vaccine, do it then. What’s going to happen in a week? That’s all I can say right now.
[02:00:54] Del
But as we close out this show about our families, I want you to recognize, one of the things I said to the parents when I had them aside at that event, we must all now recognize the truth of the world that we live in. This is not a game anymore. This is not a question of, well, is this just going to pass by? And I was speaking to a room full of parents just in Florida over the weekend. And there were so many fathers out there. And I was saying, I know a lot of you guys, your wives made this decision about vaccination and you just left it to them. You said I got to be the breadwinner or maybe there’s a mom that had to be the breadwinner. I don’t want to be sexist or get in any of those conversations here. But the truth is, is usually one of us was doing the investigation, the science and the other one was like, you know, let me just stay focused on the things that matter. And we thought it would go away. We thought that that spouse was just involved in something and they were going to be able to take care of it. It’s now upon all of us. They are coming after all of us. They’re coming after all of our children.
[02:01:51] Del
And so as you decide how you’re going to move forward with your children, first of all, definitely remember to take those moments. I have to do that with myself to remind myself how beautiful my family is. My wife Lee, my son Ever, and Thea who we did not blur. They are part of this journey with me. I want to thank you guys for being brave and standing with me as we represent to the world what we believe in. I couldn’t do this without my family and I know for all of you you couldn’t do it without your family. And let’s be very careful about how we decide to move forward. And I want to say this. Many of those families up there in Georgia, were home school families. I can’t say this enough. If you think that your school is against you, then sending your child in, even if you think that the mask mandate may be away, what are their teachers teaching them? What are they saying about you? Are you going to subject your children to that? These are extraordinary times. I don’t think they’re going to last very long. So how do we survive this short period of time? Maybe you’re going to have to do something drastic. Maybe you’re going to have to cancel the trip to Greece next week, which I’m sure the administration, the government’s probably going to take away from you anyway and put that funding into hiring a teacher or getting with some families and putting together a homeschool co-op. So many people in Texas and around the nation doing that. We’re going to have to be creative. We’re going to have to go that extra mile. We’re going to have to get on the school boards, run for election, maybe run at Texans for Vaccine Choice or join one. Or at least go to these rallies and step up and represent. Let Whole Foods see how many people they will lose if they decide to force us to wear masks in their stores. It’s not just about our governors, it’s not just about our school boards. Everyone in the nation needs to see us. And by the way, if you want to live like an anti-vaxxer, then don’t get a vaccine. If you want to be in the column of the unvaccinated that are not filling up hospitals, then don’t get a vaccine. And by the way, for the CDC, we’re on you. Don’t take your sick and dying from the vaccine that are still getting Covid and put them in our column. We are the healthy, organic food eating, clear water drinking, fresh air breathing citizens of the United States of America. We are here to stay. This is our time. And that’s right. We are not going to budge. I’ll see you next week. All you beautiful families, have an awesome week. And welcome back to school. Take care.